Whatever wandering souls are left of the vibrant readership that once patronized this site only stumble in these days once every few months on boring Tuesday evenings to hear me rant like an old grampie about how lousy the last Sonic game was. Those who have come seeking cynicism will be disappointed today, because I think is cool. Yes, I said it: this makes me horny. Not that it's a surprise or anything - I would've been disappointed if it hadn't happened, especially with Solid Snake farting around like a stray lamb - but, y'know, a birthday cake still tastes good even when you expect to get one. This is the big showdown between hedgehog and plumber that I've been waiting for the past 15 years (that olympics nonsense can be damned). I might now even be persuaded to forgive the presence of Diddy Kong.
I'm rooting for Mega Man next.