If the blast from a Kiki's bomb manages to nail you, it'll take a few seconds to laugh hysterically at your pitful-ass reflexes.
Chaos 2 has another trick he may use when his health is in the red: he'll move to the center, ball up, and burst into a shower of damaging little blobs that splash down all over the place, before then reforming.
You should make note that the entrance to Knuckles' Sky Deck is through a doorway at the bottom of the pool that opens only for him.
Use the lever on the deck to control the tilt of the entire arena: when uphill, locked doors will open, potentially revealing Emerald shards.
...and causes endless streams of debris to come spilling out. And one other neat detail: you know the Rosie-ish cleaning droids that roam in the Carrier's inside? They're in Sky Deck too; look into some of the windows in the cargo area. Better yet, tilt the ship just right and you can watch them roll and flail around.
You left out two bits about ZERO in Amy's intro: his charred, smoking invincibility after you beat him around enough, and his lame lock-on punch. Also, make note that he can smash straight through certain scenery (the glass water containiners in Hot Shelter, for one), which is how he makes his entrance most of the time.
Sonic encounters the bomb barrels in his Twinkle Park too.
Gamma's utter fear of water makes him an awful Chao parent, should one of them get into the water and not know how to swim...
You can shoot Beta's homing missiles, as well as the ones all his younger brothers (and his new incarnation at the end) fire off.
Land another hit and the enraged Beta will begin sweeping the entire surface with laser fire.
Shouldn't that be, "sweeping the arena with a steady stream of charged blasts"?
Why is there this huge gap between the start of Big's entry and the cell for the opening?
The Kikis in Big's Twinkle Park ignore him completely, but by the time you get to Emerald Coast, Eggman will have told them to drop the mellow attitude toward fat cats.
Once you flood Froggy's chamber in Hot Shelter (by yanking the drain plug), the water rises so fricking high it's nigh impossible to fish him up, unless i've been doing it wrong all these years...
Perfect Chaos' other attack you missed: when you're at a distance, he shoots off a spread of lightning bolt-ish projectiles at your last location. He tries the breath blast and the waterspouts only when you move in close enough. Boy, you got a problem remembering this guy's attacks, don't ya?
I'm gonna mostly stay clear of the Chao side of things and let someone a hell of a lot more experienced (and interested) proofread you on that one, but a couple things: if you keep giving a Chao animals of one particular type after it matures, you can gradually get it to look even snazzier. Ex.: a speed Chao that keeps getting more and more speed animals eventually becomes a full-fledged Sonic Chao; a flight Chao that starts getting steady amounts of power animals looks something like both NiGHTS and a ram, ect. This carries over to Adventure 2 too.
Getting a Chaos Chao, by the way, involves rebirthing one Chao three times, not giving it any animals until after (I think) the second time, where you're supposed to give it
one of every animal and no more. Rebirth it again and it's a Chaos Chao. Also, they're immortal.
Finally, I think the opponents in the Beginner Chao Races depend entirely on the stats of the Chao you're entering. I have no idea when Chakuron starts showing up.
You used to mention that the download files are just keys to unlock them in the game; was that proven false or did you forget it?
In DX, Metal Sonic can't play the Sky Chase sub-games.
And lastly, just nitpicking, but I thought those alt tags that used to go with the photos from Sonic Team's trip were a hoot.