The preference that divides humanity in twain...

Because death would've been too merciful.


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The preference that divides humanity in twain...

Post by Segaholic2 »

And no pussying out and saying "both" or something lame like that!

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Post by Squirrelknight »

Cats. Because I LOVE PUSSY.

... I think everyone saw that one coming.

heh, they saw a pussy coming. Hahahaha...

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Post by G.Silver »

Segaholic2: I posted the first new Weekly Poll in ages!
Segaholic2: Go vote!
gsilverfish: wee! xD
Segaholic2: :D
gsilverfish: augh!
Segaholic2: :o
gsilverfish: but I like them both :O
Segaholic2: CHOOSE
gsilverfish: what is the point of this! xD
Segaholic2: To get conversation going
Segaholic2: So vote and then post
gsilverfish: ho ho I suspected as much
gsilverfish: 5 for cats and none for dogs!
Segaholic2: I'm trying to keep the forum alive
Segaholic2: Hah :P
Segaholic2: No dog people so far
gsilverfish: the internet favors cats
gsilverfish: there's no "infinite dog project" for instance!
Segaholic2: What
Segaholic2: There's an Infinite Cat Project?
gsilverfish: err
Segaholic2: What the hell is this
gsilverfish: it's pictures of cats looking at other pictures of cats
gsilverfish: into infinity
Segaholic2: Ohhh... Kay
gsilverfish: also the classic,
Segaholic2: I like that site
Segaholic2: Haha
gsilverfish: I think that cats appeal more to internet types
gsilverfish: you know, you don't have to walk them
gsilverfish: if you want an indoor outdoor cat, you just leave the door open
Segaholic2: Yeah, our cat is mostly outdoors
gsilverfish: low maintenaince
Segaholic2: But I just like cats better
gsilverfish: I read an article in a book
Segaholic2: Never had a dog, so maybe that's why
gsilverfish: it was a collection of articles from magazines some guy had written...
gsilverfish: Natural Acts, by.. David... Quammen xD
Segaholic2: What's it about?
gsilverfish: the article was about a top list of animals, as voted by focus groups
gsilverfish: dogs were number one, of course
gsilverfish: but cats were like, 13, and several animals that would surely be less likable were rated higher!
gsilverfish: the reason, he surmises, is that while everyone likes dogs
gsilverfish: you either love cats or hate them
Segaholic2: Everyone likes dogs? I thought a lot of people hate dogs the same way a lot of people hate cats
gsilverfish: so no one voted against dogs, but many people would have deliberately placed cats low, because they hate them.
gsilverfish: I believe it is worse to hate dogs than to hate cats
gsilverfish: a person who hates dogs is truly black and evil on the inside
Segaholic2: Lol
gsilverfish: a person who hates cats is just wrongly informed
gsilverfish: bad experiences
Segaholic2: Hahaha
gsilverfish: doesn't think Garfield is funny
gsilverfish: it's understandable!
Segaholic2: Garfield isn't funny
gsilverfish: exactly!
Segaholic2: XP
gsilverfish: maybe he's the only cat they've ever known!
Segaholic2: Bah!
gsilverfish: Bah! You disagreeeee?
Segaholic2: Not really
gsilverfish: anyway
Segaholic2: Interesting way to look at it, I suppose
gsilverfish: I suspect that on the internet you will find more people who like cats
gsilverfish: but off the internet, you'll probably see a better show for dogs
Segaholic2: Mmmmaybe
gsilverfish: just because of who is on the internet and who is not
Segaholic2: I thought cats were the most popular pets in America
gsilverfish: most popular or most frequently owned?
gsilverfish: dogs are harder to own in the city after all
Segaholic2: I don't know, is there a difference?
gsilverfish: I dunno
gsilverfish: I bet a lot of people would like to have a horse, but it's not really an option
gsilverfish: or I dunno
gsilverfish: a dolphin
Segaholic2: Lol
gsilverfish: maybe that's their favorite, but it ain't gonna happen!

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Post by Green Gibbon! »

What if you don't like either one?

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Post by Segaholic2 »

Pick the one you hate less, or flip a coin or something.

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Post by Green Gibbon! »

Cats are better in bed.

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Post by Cuckooguy »

I'm more of a bird person.

But I prefer cats over dogs.

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Post by Lizard »

I guess I'm the first pro-dog to post in this thread. Of course that boils down to the fact that I am simply allergic to cats..

or in other words..

The sight of a pussy makes me all teary-eyed.

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Post by Baba O'Reily »

Dogs, for two reasons:
1) Cats are jerks, and my grandma's house smells like cat piss all of the time.
2) Dogs are more adorable, huggable, and they seem more alert. Who the fuck is going to have a cat guard their house?

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Post by Delphine »

Baba O'Reily wrote:Who the fuck is going to have a cat guard their house?
Dogs are like very loud security guards. Cats are like ninjas.

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Post by tornadot »

Dogs come to the door and greet you...dogs also give a darn about you while cats could care less. Dogs win.

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Post by Protodude »

I'm going to have to say dogs on this one because mine are the cutest ever, and because cats seem to hate me for some reason.

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Post by Ash Holt »

Dogs have bigger dicks.


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Post by Brazillian Cara »

I'm the only one in my family that likes cats, and that sucks.

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Post by Locit »

Dogs. That is all.

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Post by Delphine »

tornadot wrote:Dogs come to the door and greet you...dogs also give a darn about you while cats could care less. Dogs win.
So? Cats leave you the hell alone and don't clamour for your attention unless they're hungry.

...I think I just figured out why my relationships end badly.

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Post by Green Gibbon! »

It's interesting to note that while the only ones posting are speaking in defense of dogs, cats are still winning the vote. This is because dog owners, like dogs, don't know when to shutup.

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Post by chriscaffee »



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Post by smiths32 »

Last edited by smiths32 on Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Baba O'Reily »

Delphine wrote:
Baba O'Reily wrote:Who the fuck is going to have a cat guard their house?
Dogs are like very loud security guards. Cats are like ninjas.
At least a very loud security guard will let me know when to get my gun.

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Post by G.Silver »

At least a very loud security guard will let me know when to get my gun.
Are you really that worried that someone is going to break into your home?

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Post by chriscaffee »

I don't see any worrying involved. If he has a gun, then what is the harm in using it to disuade (potential) criminals from helping themselves to his belongings?

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Post by G.Silver »

If you need a gun and a dog for security reasons, then you must be worried about something!

Most hoodlums break in during the day when no one is around anyway... perhaps while you are walking the dog!

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Post by Esrever »

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Post by Frieza2000 »

Dogs. My personality is more like them than cats.

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