Wouldn't Knuckles qualify as a "retarded" character?
I'm not a Knuckles-hater or anything, but he did say retarded...
I'm sure he meant in concept, not in actual mental capability.
She (and it) just does not have a place either to balance the game or to add to the story. Cream the rabbit should never have met sonic the hedgehog.
She does have a place. She's the game on "Easy" mode. It was necessary because the latest group of Sonic games seem to be attempting to appeal to an even younger audience than before.
And then there is the fact that she is the only Sonic character with an actual *gasp* parent so I have to wonder why the heck does Vanilla allows her only child go on dangerous adventures with a bunch of wild orphans?
Amy is an orphan? I suppose we've never seen her family, but I never thought she was an orphan. I always assumed she had some rich father who spent oodles of money on her but is never around. That would explain her huge apartment in Sonic Battle and how she's always going shopping despite not having a job. . .
Anyways, there are lots of Sonic characters I'm not fond of. To tell you the truth, I like BOTH versions of Charmy - though I do prefer the old, polite, quiet version.
Omega pisses me off soley because he's boring. Also, his design is ugly as fuck. It's like someone tried to mix the Incredible Hulk with E-102 Gamma's design and got crap. His legs are too damn small. I keep on expecting him to tip over.
Shadow should've fucking stayed dead. He was OK in Sonic Battle, but I got so sick of him during Heroes.
I like the idea of an armadillo character, but I still hate Mighty because he doesn't look like an Armadillo at ALL.
Why does Ray count? He was only in one game. Anyways, I would be more forviging towards Ray if he, ya know - actually FLEW.