With all of the interesting (and artistically inclined) posters we have on the GHZ, I thought it might be fun if we did a big sloppy collaborative MS Paint drawing. Each person would contribute one new thing (of whatever they wanted) to the masterpiece each time and we'd slowly make one big crazy GHZ MS Paint thing. The fun in it, of course, being the ad-libbing and just making something creative out of what others have provided before you. There's no theme or anything, it'll just come out to be whatever it will be. All you have to do is save the most recent image posted, add your bit to it in MS Paint, upload it again and post; then the next person does the same. Seems simple enough, I think.
I think this could turn out fun, but it'll only work if people a) contribute, b) make sure to only contribute one thing each time, c) nobody's contribution is excluded or erased, and d) no one tries to be a smartass and ruin it. So, like I said, I don't know if this'll actually work, but oh well. We'll see.
Anyway, I started it off here with my shitty little drawing but I just wanted to hopefully get the ball rolling...