Didn't turn out as well as I'd have liked; I'm still getting used to using colors. But it was a lot of fun to make. Hope you guys like it.
Oh, and to avoid confusion, the last three panels are meant to be read right to left. Switching reading direction isn't something you often get the chance to do with comics, so I took a liberty here. Of course, you can also consider the picture to be a random collage of images, rather than a traditional comic, as the panels don't really have much to do with each other.
Colouring all the dust clouds brown sure makes Green Hill look downright muddy, but regardless, that's a really nifty sequence you've drawn. I like it a lot.
The sense of action and attitude is miles above anything you'd ever see in an archie comic. The rough marker style harkens back to sonic's design phases and really serves the motion. Jesus dude. Hone this ability and produce some memorable sonic comics that are true to form.
I've always believed Sonic works better in a comic format rather than singular pictures, because multiple panels better convey a sensation of action and speed. The problem with Archie is that they let (mediocre) story get in the way of the action. Issue #98 -- the SA2 adaptation that cover artist Spaz pencilled -- is probably my favorite issue because it simply featured Sonic running through City Escape in the same manner that I tried to capture in this work.
Owen Axel wrote:Colouring all the dust clouds brown sure makes Green Hill look downright muddy, but regardless, that's a really nifty sequence you've drawn. I like it a lot.
It actually seems to be a mix of the Green Hill and Emerald Hill Zones based on the presence of flowers, rocks and Gani-gani from the former and Ai-ai's and Stingers from the latter. Strange, but wonderful!
That's my fan character Rico the Hedgehog. He's Sonic's long lost brother that was roboticized but was brought back by Antoine. He's got all the characters abilities because of the robotization.
This isn't finished but I'm submitting it anyway o@ I was GOING to put a background behind this and have Sonic also in the picture, but... time restraints. Mugh.
Man my hand hurts like a mofo trying to book this thing. Shows too x_x It's sloppy as all get out. Oh well...
Well, it's not bad- almost looks like an official art, but Metal Sonic's legs are too stiff.
Anyway, you can always post the finished version in the other thread.
Hoo. Didn't think I was gonna make it. I still have 30 minutes, right? I'm no good with timezones. Best art catagory:
I actually did a timelapse of me inking and coloring this, and I will be posting that on Youtube shortly, for those who might be amused by such a thing.
It didn't turn out quite as I expected, but that's okay. I am more or less comfortable with it, I think.
So many great entries for worst art, I don't know how I'm going to choose!
Also, Jamie Lee, I really like the Sonic CD style you've got going there. It's not something I've seen a lot of artists go for, but it works really nice.
This is simultaneously my entry for best and worst art. There doesn't appear to be a rule against entering the same piece for both categories, but if there is then put it in best.
Silver sprite by Gardow, Mephiles sprite by Dark the Metalkirby, Blaze by Anonymous. I was going to include a sprite furgy for good measure but decided against it.