Some details: This took me like, a week. Actual size that everything was drawn/coloured in is twice the size of the finished picture (example, Sonic is like... 600 pixels tall alone on the PSD file, never mind Bark). Each character's colouring was taken off their official Sonic the Fighters images, with the exception of Honey who's colours were taken off of a screenshot. Each character took at least an hour, Sonic, who was the first one I did, took longer because I was experimenting what style to colour/ink in. With the exception of the Fighters logo, everything was made by me- including the starscape used in the background. Basically, this picture was freaking hell D: (but if you want to see, like, pngs of the individual characters in fullsize, just ask, I will provide).
Radrappy, I've been looking forward to your entry since the contest was announced, so awesome job! But, I can't shake the feeling that Super Sonic's hands are backwards in that picture. Am I just very, very confused?
Radrappy wrote:ha! That looks freaking great! A very unique theme choice as well. I've been watching you forever Dburraki, on DA. Welcome to the GHZ. hooray.
Regardless of however this ends I am so freaking excited by this. Contests tend to bring out hidden qualities in everyone.
*lol* Thanks for the warm greeting.
I get the feeling you're going to beat me though ;3
I felt bad for not contributing, but don't have the photoshopping skills to pay the bills. Here is the result:
Eggman just sorta scowling. He is a grumpy sort.
well, so be it del. Seems I did not read the fine text. Ah bliss of life. The original version with backwards hands is left unchanged then. I will post an updated version in the fanworks section but It shall not count.
HIIII. I wasn't going to enter this, but my two best friends have entered, and with there actually being a worst catagory I couldn't not crap out SOMETHING. XD Unfortunately even this turned out better than I meant it to.
...Actually I had a great idea for a really, really, REALLY bad picture, but I didn't find out about the contest in time to do that, lmao. Jamie and Burraki know exactly what I'm talking about.
is that . . . is that a NAIL in his member??? oh god. . . another night of crying myself to sleep. (the most recent example of this is when happy feet won the oscar)
There is a lot of really well-drawn artwork in this thread. There is also a lot of horrifying artwork. Occasionally, there is even artwork that is both horrifying AND well drawn! Nice work, team.
Talk about last minute. A concept struck me and suddenly my art block is gone and I am drawing it and I swear I'll have it inked and colored before I go to bed which is usually in like 2 or 3 hours.
Edit: Or maybe not. Took me that long just to sketch this beast. Oh well. I have time... once I get some sleep.