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Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:19 am
by CM August
Well now that's a pleasant surprise.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:27 am
by Kogen
So he slid under something and did a boost with no spinning to be seen.

Insert swears and disappointment with a general lack of surprise.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:27 am
by Neo

I'll be honest, this is something I never ever expected them to do.

They've got my attention, but this is only CG, which we've established they're good at. Now let's see if they make an acceptable game out of it.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:37 am
I'm guessing they're basing the classic look more on the Western boxart? I don't think his eyes ever tapered that far at the bottom in Japan.

I love how he actually swings his arms as he runs, though.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:40 am
by Radrappy
Whatever guys. He's cute as fucking shit. Stamp me on the forehead with "idiot" because I'm totally on board.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:44 am
Who're you talking to? I don't see any detractors.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:46 am
by cjmcray
Someone on Retro had a theory that it will play like Unleashed daytime stages, with modern Sonic in 3D, and switching to classic Sonic in 2D. I strongly agree with that theory. (Though i'd like to play as classic Sonic in 3D)

I hope we'll see Classic Amy and Eggman too. They're two characters who have had the most drastic redesigns.

Classic Eggman fighting with modern Eggman.. Make it happen, Sonic Team.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:52 am
by j-man
Super cute :3

I love that design. This is definitely something I didn't expect, based on the Sonic 4 debacle, but anything less would've been a pisstake even for SEGA. Can't wait to see how the thing plays, but I imagine it'll be something like Colours, although hopefully not as underwhelming.

Also, time travel plz

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:05 am
by MiraiTails
Well, I'm glad the first comment is a positive one. Nice change of pace. (Unless you're being sarcastic or don't like adorable?)
Is it just me, or does that part near the beginning, where Sonic is running, look very similar to that opening cut scene in Sonic Heroes? I think it was Heroes.

Interesting that they're "classic" Sonic is back or at least nodded to. We'll see what it means for the actual finished product.

It would be cool if they took the time to stick in a nice Sonic "museum," like what Sonic Jam had.

I know many Sonic games have been re-released a billion times over, but I would kind of like to see a game collecting all Sonic games that came out before the current generation of consoles. It's not that important to me, though.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:14 am
by b_boult
Assuming the Unleashed team are behind this game, they will have had up to 2 and a quarter years already to work on it. Hopefully, this increase in development time will have added to the quality of the final product!

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:20 am
by MiraiTails
cjmcray wrote:Someone on Retro had a theory that it will play like Unleashed daytime stages, with modern Sonic in 3D, and switching to classic Sonic in 2D...
That's a pretty cool idea. Maybe they could do a homing attack/no homing attack thing too.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:21 am
by Farmer
I'd hope that it doesn't follow Unleashed in the way that the Wii version was something of a cop-out, although that's just me. Perhaps, when pigs achieve spaceflight, they might release it on Steam.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:26 am
by j-man
I like to think that this is the reason they didn't include the classic design in Sonic 4. They didn't want to spoil the big reveal!

Here's hoping they use this as a springboard (lol) for bringing back the old design for realz. "Hey gang, want to see more adventures with this crazy 'new' Sonic? Answers on a postcard!"

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:39 am
That brings up a good point. What do actual children think of this? They likely focus-tested this to hell and back, so the kiddies apparently didn't hate him.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 9:54 am
by G.Silver
I wonder why so much of the background is untextured? It could just be because it looks kind of cool, but it could also have something to do with the game itself. Is it going to be like De Blob or something?

Personally, I'm not digging on Sonic the Cherub here. He's not awful, it's not like I'm completely repulsed or something, but classic Sonic wasn't exactly dripping sugarcake and bubblepie. This isn't how I want classic Sonic remembered!

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:29 am
by gr4yJ4Y
I'm glad they're bringing back classic Sonic in some form, but it's weird to see both classic Sonic and modern Sonic right next to each other. And classic Sonic looks weaker next to modern Sonic, as if classic Sonic is his kid brother or son or something. I always felt that if they were going to bring classic Sonic back, they'd have to make everything in the game feel classic. There's something not quite right about the execution here, but whatever. CLASSIC SONIC IS BACK!
cjmcray wrote:Someone on Retro had a theory that it will play like Unleashed daytime stages, with modern Sonic in 3D, and switching to classic Sonic in 2D.
That's what I'd guess from the video. Modern Sonic looks like he's on a fairly narrow Unleashed-esk GHZ stage before classic Sonic pops up. Hopefully there's no homing attack for classic Sonic.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:56 am
by Crisis
I distinctly heard drifting and saw sliding. Other than that, looks good.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:31 pm
by Radrappy
I love drifting and sliding.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:35 pm
by FlashTHD
Ew ew ew. That is about as kitsch as can be, and smacks of desperation. BTW, how do they plan to explain the logic of two officially recognized Sonic designs to confused onlookers who may not know/care about the series? "Those kids on the internet wouldn't shut the fuck up about that design so we gave in?"

But of course no one will hear my concerns over all the hyperactive wailing of excitement.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:37 pm
by Kogen
Sonic does look a little fruity there. It actually reminds me more of 3D Blast than the older games.

These sprites, for instance, all make him look irate, not kawaii =^o^= !!! :


Not that this is horrible, but still it is not what I pictured it to be. At least it keeps me curious about how Tails and Robotnik will look. I especially dislike Robotnik's new design, so the old one coming back would be real neat.

As for kids accepting this, they are stupid and will accept anything they see others accept. Dress a turd up as a California Raisin, put it in a game, then have 15 - 20 year olds playing it with their hats on backwards - every kid seeing it will think it is amazing.

Also drifting and sliding is the worst addition to the series and makes any game using it nearly unplayabe - missing the entire point of the game being about furry balls. I already estimate that this game will be another 6 out of 10er if the gameplay is what the CGI suggests. A bit of retro CGI is not going to do much in the long run.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 12:56 pm
by Esrever
I think it's just largely the visual contrast between him and his taller, slimer, more 'tude filled counterpart. My initial reaction was also that he looked to cute and friendly, but when I cover up new Sonic with one hand, I have to admit... he looks pretty much bang on.

I think the only thing making him look a smidge too cute is his pudginess... even though classic Sonic's body was a sphere, it was usually just a little smaller overall in comparison to his head. But if you're going to make a game with both of them, it probably makes sense to play up the elements that differentiate the two.

It reminds me of that Turtles Forever TMNT crossover film. I remember some fans complaining that they made the 80s turtles too goofy. But honestly, what would the point be of having the new turtles meet the 80s turtles if not to play up how fun and silly the old show was in comparison to the new stuff?

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:40 pm
by Malchik
I think they tried to make a sort of Sega Sonic and American Sonic compromise.


I actually think they made his eyes a little too small and his body that is a little too stubby.

I like what I'm seeing regardless.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:09 pm
by (No Imagination)
Haha, fucking called it. :P So it really is Black Eye Sonic? Awesome.

Next step: this will not play like shit.

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 3:32 pm
by Kogen
I am calling it now: this game will have rings in it. Hahaha, I'm so fuckin' great! :P

Re: Sonic Generations

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 4:23 pm
by K2J
This looks interesting, but I agree that it very much looks like they're just doing this because the media perceived the character design as being the main complaint of Sonic 4.

The XBLA and PSN logos at the end make me think this might be downloadable.