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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:08 pm
by Zeta
so if you're calling me a liar, you're calling him one too
Then he's the liar and you're a moron. Feel better?

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:08 pm
by Timestones
Tweaker wrote:
Esrever wrote:Very well then. You are both liars!

I only hope that this will finally teach Sega to stop handing out digital files of poorly-drawn, fan-art-like secret concept drawings to random game testers. Clearly it gets leaked almost immediately! When oh when will they learn?
You, sir, are extremely ignorant.
Looks like someone struck a nerve.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:52 pm
by Radrappy
Tweaker. He's not arrogant. He is simply pointing out the obvious: that this couldn't possibly be official art. I'm not even going to say another word about it. It's not official. No. no it's not. Also it looks like shit. There is no point in being stubborn about this.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:00 pm
by Tweaker
Radrappy wrote:Tweaker. He's not arrogant. He is simply pointing out the obvious: that this couldn't possibly be official art. I'm not even going to say another word about it. It's not official. No. no it's not. Also it looks like shit. There is no point in being stubborn about this.
Obvious? Excuse me, but how exactly is this "obvious"? It was provided by a SEGA EMPLOYEE (OCB for you blind mofos), who is KNOWN to be legitimate, and is CONCEPT ART, not official art. The official art is going to look much better than the concept art, because it's meant to be presented to the public. This is simply a drawing of the initial concepts for Silver's design - it's not meant to look good, it's meant to illustrate the basic ideas for the character. Needless to say the design changed since this drawing arised.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:02 pm
by Locit
I like how he said "sir" first. It makes him sound so very classy.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:09 pm
by Radrappy
it's funny. Ive never known concept art to look as if someone desperately tried to make it look so polished. Of course, I have no idea what concept even means so it seems. Incidentally if you've ever seen a scrap of conceptual art in your entire life you will realize that this silver is not it.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:46 pm
by Delphine
OCB never uses his reputation to spread lies just for the fun of it. No, never. Not him. :D

p.s. concept art is usually little more than sketches, and there are usually several stuck together in a page, sometimes in different poses. Concept art is not a mock-up of offical art.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:28 am
by James McGeachie
I can't believe anyone could look at that picture and not realise it was a horrible inaccurate fake right away, it's barely even similar to the right style.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:39 am
by Radrappy
don't worry. You're merely feeling the symptoms of being arrogant and pompous.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:01 am
by Esrever
Tweaker wrote:Obvious? Excuse me, but how exactly is this "obvious"? It was provided by a SEGA EMPLOYEE (OCB for you blind mofos), who is KNOWN to be legitimate, and is CONCEPT ART, not official art. The official art is going to look much better than the concept art, because it's meant to be presented to the public. This is simply a drawing of the initial concepts for Silver's design - it's not meant to look good, it's meant to illustrate the basic ideas for the character. Needless to say the design changed since this drawing arised.
This is not official artwork. Look at the hands! Look at the feet! Look at the weirdness going on with the pupil of the character's right eye! Final inks and colours would NEVER be applied to a drawing with this many perspective and anatomy problems. Not even inked and coloured "concept art", which as anyone who actually UNDERSTANDS the character design process would know, would either be a series of sketches... or a final drawing every bit as well drawn as publically released artwork because it is used to "prove" design concepts and guide 3D modellers.

For fuck's sake, people. This is the GHZ. We don't have to sit through this same retarded third grade hoaxing bullshit that has engulfed all the other Sonic boards, do we? If you get a boner misleading around a bunch of Sonic-worshiping toddlers then go nuts, but don't expect US to fall for it, and don't pretend to act offended when we call you out on it.

Anyone else who feels like patronizing us with this bullshit is getting banned. Grow up!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:12 am
by One Classy Bloke
Okay, i'll admit it. I'm not a Sega Employee. I'm not a games tester either. I'm only 18 and i'm about to leave for uni today. I don't even have any connections with any existing Sega workers. I'm sorry for misleading everyone until now.

And before you ask how i was right on so many occasions, i was extremely lucky. And if my luck still holds true now, Shenmue III should see a 2008 release on the X360, and NiGHTS Into Fantasies will come out late 2007 for both Wii and DS.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:25 am
by Esrever
We know that, man! But I didn't mind when YOU were pretending because it was funny to watch. These guys are just irritating me.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:50 am
by Tweaker
...I was going to argue your stupidity further until I saw that post.

Yeah, you have fun with your small little perception of game development. No skin off my back; now I know who I'm arguing with here.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:31 am
by Esrever
Well, that's it for Tweaker. Even the "source" of the artwork himself admitting it isn't legit is apparently not convincing enough, so clearly there is nothing I can say that will change his mind.

When he finds out the artwork is bogus, do you think he will feel bad about insulting me?
Sazpaimon wrote:You're fully within your rights to think that it's fake, however this was given to me by someone who actually has done work on this game, who told me that this WAS concept art, so if you're calling me a liar, you're calling him one too
I enjoy the way he went back and edited his post to remove the part where he identified OCB as the source. Classy! Now I am REALLY convinced.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 5:57 am
by Omni Hunter
Wow, 7 posts and a ban, that's a bloody record. He seems a right small minded cunt anyway.
I have to admit OCB fooled me for a bit, but I wouldn't go to such lengths of preaching that his word was gospel.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:41 am
by (...)
"What's there at present ... will surely again fail to sway the classic 2D-worshipping purists."

"Our biggest gripe was with the dodgy camera - an ongoing issue with the series, and one that appears not to have been fully resolved if the instances where we were fighting to swing it round towards our immediate foes were anything to go by. And the stalwart spirit-crushing frustration of ostensibly random plunges into bottomless gorges when using the homing attack remains a source of considerable pain."


Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:22 am
by b_boult

This seems to corroborate what the Eurogamer article says about the dodgy camera still. It makes me laugh how Shadow is apparently difficult to control, it's as if they're deliberately taking the worst elements from each of the 3d games :cool: . I'm not to fussed about the death drops though, they never really ruined Sonic Rush and as long as the camera isnt as bad as station square in Sonic Adventure I can probably live with that too, though the situations where it apparently spazzes up are pretty annoying.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 10:33 am
by FlashTHD
And the stalwart spirit-crushing frustration of ostensibly random plunges into bottomless gorges when using the homing attack remains a source of considerable pain.
What the fuck games are the press playing? I can count on one hand the number of times the Homing Attack has pitched me off a cliff in every 3D Sonic combined. 8 years and i'm supposed to believe they still don't know how to use it right?

I think Saz would be man enough to admit he was tricked, but Tweaker's not especially liked by some of the Cult staff anyway.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:18 am
by Frieza2000
Omni Hunter wrote:I have to admit OCB fooled me for a bit, but I wouldn't go to such lengths of preaching that his word was gospel.
I'm pretty sure he's just joking. Not only did he give us the 3 secret characters and apt level descriptions (crossbows and giant centipedes) of Riders, he predicted Blaze in this game months before there was any hint of her presence at all. That's not lucky, that's psychic.

And I'd like to point out that he just hoaxed Sonic Cult, the masterminds of many a hoax. And with a piece of art that even I, a man with subhuman ability to analyze visual art, was suspicious of it. Poetic justice is awesome.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:49 pm
by James McGeachie
FlashTHD wrote:
And the stalwart spirit-crushing frustration of ostensibly random plunges into bottomless gorges when using the homing attack remains a source of considerable pain.
What the fuck games are the press playing? I can count on one hand the number of times the Homing Attack has pitched me off a cliff in every 3D Sonic combined. 8 years and i'm supposed to believe they still don't know how to use it right?

I think Saz would be man enough to admit he was tricked, but Tweaker's not especially liked by some of the Cult staff anyway.
You don't get it, you can say the same for almost every game with horrible loose controls. If you get used to awkward gameplay then yeah, you wont make the mistakes most people playing it would make anymore, but that doesn't suddenly make them great, that just means you've adjusted to how fucking terrible they are.

Some people do actually like the controls for a game they want to play to be tight and refined when they start playing and would prefer not to be constantly punished for not knowing exactly how to "work" the game's flaws, like flying past an enemy because you haven't worked out exactly how the jumping system needs to be aimed yet, or thrown off a ledge because they weren't standing in precisely the right spot in front of a line of rings, of the other scenarios from the list of typical things that happen due to poor control and camera in 3d Sonic games.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 1:37 pm
by Anon
Omni Hunter wrote:Wow, 7 posts and a ban, that's a bloody record. He seems a right small minded cunt anyway.
Damn, I must have been gone longer than I thought; I didn't even know they banned around here. Guess the douching just wasn't working, huh?

On a completely unrelated note, I remember looking through the members section of another mb, and apparently some guy got banned after one post. Hilarity.


Now that I think about it, that Silver pic looks like an edited version of some Sonic pose that was drawn for SA2. No wonder my mind called "bullshit" the first time I saw it.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:29 pm
by WW
The fact that Silver's face is so fucked up in the pic should have given it away in the first place.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:30 pm
by Green Gibbon!
What this thread needs is a gratuitous crotch shot.

<img src="/gibbon/crotch.jpg">

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:32 pm
by Brazillian Cara
Oh, balls. It's been a while.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:28 pm
by Esrever
Frieza2000 wrote:I'm pretty sure he's just joking. Not only did he give us the 3 secret characters and apt level descriptions (crossbows and giant centipedes) of Riders, he predicted Blaze in this game months before there was any hint of her presence at all. That's not lucky, that's psychic.

And I'd like to point out that he just hoaxed Sonic Cult, the masterminds of many a hoax. And with a piece of art that even I, a man with subhuman ability to analyze visual art, was suspicious of it. Poetic justice is awesome.
I agree. But I just can't take any more of these ridiculous art hoaxes. It's the same thing every time... they present you with this ridiculously fake-looking crap, and then get abusive when you're not stupid enough to fall for it. It's so bloody patronizing, it makes me cringe.

Like I said, I wouldn't have minded if it was just OCB claiming the art was real, because even when he is pranking he doesn't act like a cock about it. I know he jokes around from time to time, but usually it's kind of funny and he doesn't start acting like a two-year-old if no one buys it, you know? But if people are going to start joining up here to act like retards then we're going to have to be a bit more militant about what we allow, I think.