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Son of Sanshiro
Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:42 pm
by Frieza2000 ... _new_video
It took a few decades, but the saga continues at last.
I have a sinking feeling that his mission will end about as well as his father's.
Re: Son of Sanshiro
Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:42 pm
by Wooduck51
Re: Son of Sanshiro
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:45 am
by big_smile
This policy of taking more time for better quality came in after the first Sonic Boom.
Sonic Boom Fire and Ice, Sonic Forces and Team Sonic Racing were all delayed to allow for more development time. Forces in particular was delayed by over a year. And it was still rather bad, so....
Re: Son of Sanshiro
Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:05 am
by Tsuyoshi-kun
I couldn't even make it past the first boss of Sonic Forces. It was one of the worst boss fights I've ever seen in a Sonic game, and after literally a half hour of struggling I just gave up.
Re: Son of Sanshiro
Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:37 pm
by big_smile
Sonic Forces was a dreadful game, make no mistake. But I actually quite enjoyed it. Unlike Heroes to Unleashed it wasn’t filled with bottomless pits and cheap hits, so it wasn’t frustrating to play.
The biggest problem it has is that it’s just a bland rehash of Generations. Many of the same levels are reused but they are stripped of all the creativity and charm they had in Generations and somehow made uglier. The game only has 4 ideas which are repeated Ad nauseam. Both the level design and the story feel like they were repeatedly reworked until they no longer made any sense. But it’s still fun enough for a quick run around.
I think I enjoyed it more than anything from Heroes to Unleashed.
It’s just bizarre that they could take Generations and make it so much worse. It feels like it was a mobile game that was hastily reworked into a console title.