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New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 5:55 am
by cjmcray
Looks interesting.
Tenku no Kishi Rodea is a multiplatform Wii and 3DS action title from Prope, a studio formed by Sonic the Hedgehog and Nights mastermind Yuji Naka. The game, set to be published by Kadokawa Games, offers players a chance to freely fly through the skies using a simple control scheme involving just the Wiimote (in the Wii version, at least -- the 3DS version's control scheme hasn't been detailed yet).

In the artwork and Wii screens above, the boy is main character Rodea (voiced by Yuichi Nakamura) and the girl is Ion (voiced by Kana Hanazawa), who serves as a navigator in the game.

Kadokawa Games shared the screens and artwork at a Tokyo press briefing today called "Kadokawa Games Conference 2011 Kickoff." Expect more details from the event to surface later in the day.

An official site for Rodea will open shortly.

Source:- ... irst_look/

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:56 am
by Zeta
So. Shounen Nights with some Space Harrier added in for good measure?

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:57 pm
by Kogen
From the makers of Teddy Bear for the iPhone comes Generic Anime Game.

I thought we were getting a platformer about penguins.

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:58 pm
by Isuka
A... Japanese cartoon tie-in (or something that totally passes off as one anyway)? Do I really want to wait for actual footage before I hastily pass judgment on it this time around?

How the mighty have fallen, et cetera.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:26 pm
by Green Gibbon!
If Naka can be accused here of a lack of creativity, it's nothing compared to the utter lack of creativity demonstrated by the robot-minded detractors who frequent this forum. I'm starting to wonder who's real and who's just a bot with a pre-programmed repetoire of cliche whines.

Tired of forming original or educated thoughts? Come to the GHZ Forum, where one word says it all:


Now as for me, I don't like the character design (at all), but it's good to see Naka's once again trying something other than a simple puzzle game or one-trick controller gimmick. At any rate, I'm going to wait to see a video before passing further judgment, and if it turns out I'm not interested in it, I'll more likely ignore it rather than go out of my way to write about how much I don't care about it!

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:57 pm
by Malchik
Naka's cock must spew milk chocolate.

Any way, this doesn't look very interesting.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:47 pm
by Ritz
This forum has worked [0] Days without a fatal accident.

Really, I'm just glad that Prope's finally gotten around to developing actual games after four (!) years of buildup. First impression was that it sounds like a free-roaming Sin and Punishment 2, and if it controls anywhere near as intuitively as what I've got in mind, they've totally piqued my interest. Screenshots don't look too bad, either!

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:21 pm
by Delphine
That iron giant dude looks like a sort of Shadow of the Colossus/Tron hybrid. I hope... I hope you can be his friend. Perhaps he's leaning in for a handshake?

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:55 pm
by Locit
Green Gibbon! wrote:Now as for me, I don't like the character design (at all), but it's good to see Naka's once again trying something other than a simple puzzle game or one-trick controller gimmick. At any rate, I'm going to wait to see a video before passing further judgment, and if it turns out I'm not interested in it, I'll more likely ignore it rather than go out of my way to write about how much I don't care about it!
This sums up my thoughts on what we've seen so far quite nicely. My only concern is the multiplatform aspect. Making two separate games at once sounds daunting for what I understand to be a relatively small company.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:16 am
by cjmcray
The character designs are a little off-putting. The title character looks odd and his sidekick is way generic.

But, since I don't own a Wii (and i'm certainly not paying $250 for a handheld) this news doesn't really affect me. Nice to see Naka's still making games though.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:12 am
by Crisis
The game looks OK I guess. It's hard to write funny or meaningful replies when you're ambivalent. It's much easier when there's something to hate.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:39 pm
by Delphine
Hey, if you're ambivalent about it or simply have nothing to say, here's something to try: DON'T POST.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:53 pm
by Crisis
Delphine wrote:Hey, if you're ambivalent about it or simply have nothing to say, here's something to try: DON'T POST.
Well, duh, that was my point. I'm not the guy who's complaining about the negative response to a thread about an unexciting video game announcement. I'm sure there were plenty of people (including myself) who thought it looked OK, but that doesn't make for exciting commentary, does it?

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:30 pm
by G.Silver
Indifferent folks gotta represent, yo.

I am sort of curious about the relationship Kadokawa and Prope have established and how much influence one or the other has on the game. I'd like to think Kadokawa could have found more appealing characters, they publish so many manga series and have so many authors in their pockets, if it's weird that they made such awful characters, it's even weirder and more surprising that they didn't base it off some existing franchise that, at the very least, might have had awful characters that people already liked.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:30 pm
by Isuka
Lack of creativity, GG!? Man, that's barely the point here.

You remember one of the first Wii videos, with a Japanese kid holding the Wii Remote like a paper airplane to control a plane? Well, that first look article's description ("fly through the skies using a simple control scheme involving just the Wiimote") sounds a lot like that. And then there is the character design and overall theme. Are we excited about this game's prospect yet?

Seriously, this thing will have to kick some major ass in regards to mechanics and exposure and whatnot in order to deserve some attention, the Wii already has stuff like Sin and Punishment 2 (which, ironically enough, also had ugly character design when compared to the original).

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:57 am
by Green Gibbon!
Lack of creativity, GG!? Man, that's barely the point here.
I'm not talking about the game. I'm talking about the rehashed whining on this forum. It's not funny. It's not interesting or relevant. Why is it constantly posted?

I think the problem is that a lot of people here struggle with the concept of humor, though it as yet eludes them.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 7:20 am
by Isuka
Yeah, you're right, I fail at reading comprehension.

Still, it probably has to do with there being little to work with now, and what little there is doesn't look especially good nor laughably bad or wrong, not even debatable on any level. Everything is neither here nor there, it just doesn't lend itself to a witty comment or two. It's all just... mediocre. And sad.

There was this whole aura of suspense during the Let's Tap reveal thing, then really nothing at all to say about Ivy... and with this one I think Prope have really established themselves as one of the most surprisingly low-key, inconsequential developers to ever splinter from a previously talented and renowned one, even in regards to low-budget games.

At this point I can only hope they got some of the same composers for Let's Tap on board for this one and... I really don't want to fool myself into heightening my own expectations, I can hardly see Naka pulling a Viewtiful Joe (at least mechanics-wise) or something with this one.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 9:03 am
by Crisis
Green Gibbon! wrote:I think the problem is that a lot of people here struggle with the concept of humor, though it as yet eludes them.
That sounds like me in a nutshell. Image

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:35 am
by Neo
Green Gibbon! wrote:I think the problem is that a lot of people here struggle with the concept of humor, though it as yet eludes them.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:25 am
Crisis wrote: That sounds like me in a nutshell. Image
"Mmmhp hm fm fhumph!"

That's what I sound like in a nutshell.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:00 pm
by G.Silver

It definitely looks a lot like NiGHTS! It also looks like they took some inspiration from the no-control flying sequences in Mario Galaxy. I assume you actually do get to control it here, but the way the character "pops" into different flying arcs is kind of weird, I wonder what's happening there, exactly? The backgrounds shown here aren't exceptional but they look pleasant enough to fly around in and kind of offset my dislike for the characters. Not excited at all about all the talking, though.

Also, is it coincidence that it's about a flying soldier guy with a gun, which was also one of the initial premises before they settled on NiGHTS and the dream theme?

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:32 pm
by Radrappy
I was hoping that some footage would help me know what to make of this project. Turns out it didn't. The gameplay had better be something truly special because the super low production value cutscenes and anime story aren't very encouraging.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:59 pm
by Kogen
I do not like how it seems 'point and click' rather than smooth gameplay. Every time the character 'flicks' over to the next point, it just seems jerky and awkward. Also it is kind of weird how this is not on PlayStation Move.

Other than that, I guess it looks pretty! I am not enjoying the main character's design, though. I am not sure if he is supposed to be an old, grumpy midget or an emo 12 year old - either way... !

[insert unfunny whining about unfunny whining here]

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 2:39 pm
by G.Silver
I am not sure if he is supposed to be an old, grumpy midget or an emo 12 year old
Story details from 1up:
The game is set in a fantasy world where two kingdoms compete for natural resources. The titular character, an android who's just been woken up after 1000 years of stasis, is thrown into the midst of this conflict and has to figure out which superpower to side with as he fends off his pursuers.
So, old grumpy emo 12 year old, then.

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:58 pm
by Ritz
That arc bouncing shtick definitely isn't what comes to mind when I think of "capturing the wonder of flying through the air". Actually, so long as we're drawing comparisons to Mario Galaxy (which has proven to be the universal benchmark for everything), a mechanic akin to the pull stars seems more appropriate to me- you know, tethering yourself to landmarks, using your momentum to fling yourself around, that sort of thing. Like Gravity Hook in 3D. Would've been a lot more fluid.

The spacious level design seems nuanced and layered in places, so I'm still seeing potential for something fun here.