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Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:36 am
by James McGeachie
Dr. BUGMAN wrote:What do they even have left to offer these days, Street Fighter iterations? It's not the '90s anymore!
Resident Evil 6! Which will probably launch the same day as Gears of War 3....because it will have moved so far in that direction in line with the new Japanese ideology that "only Westernised games sell now" that it will literally be the same game as Gears of War 3.

On the topic of "Capcom is fucking terrible", remember the whole no save reset thing for Resident Evil on the 3DS? Yeah well they set a precedent, Namco is now doing that for a new Pacman game. Wooh!

The future is bright baby!

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 1:05 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
James McGeachie wrote:
Dr. BUGMAN wrote:What do they even have left to offer these days, Street Fighter iterations? It's not the '90s anymore!
Resident Evil 6! Which will probably launch the same day as Gears of War 3....because it will have moved so far in that direction in line with the new Japanese ideology that "only Westernised games sell now" that it will literally be the same game as Gears of War 3.
Resident Evil 6 isn't officially announced yet and Gears of War 3 is coming out this September. I doubt they'll show anything on RE6 until after both 3DS games are out (so after early 2012). Operation Raccoon City (the game coming out this year) might have fun gameplay, but the premise is pretty much on par with Shadow the Hedgehog's. It doesn't thematically fit in with Resident Evil.

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:55 pm
by Ritz
Green Gibbon! wrote:
The Magicbox wrote:Cyberconnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama said that they would be happy to take over the development of Rockman Dash 3 [Mega Man Legends 3] from Capcom, he said that he really like the series.
I didn't know this. It explains alot. I think I would trust these guys with Dash 3, but I'm sure Capcom wouldn't throw any more money at it.
While we're on the subject, did you ever get around to playing Solatorobo? Did it come anywhere close to diverting your death drive?

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:05 pm
by Green Gibbon!
I did, but I didn't get very far not because I wasn't enjoying it, but because I didn't have time to play for a couple of weeks and I just never went back to it. I liked as much I played - there's more of an emphasis on picking up and throwing enemies than I remember in the first one - that's the main form of attack now. Gameplay nuggets are so far kind of sparse and simple - no satisfying dungeons or anything yet, but maybe they get meatier later in the game.

As I am now about to be stuck in Hawaii with my family for 10 days, I'll probably pick it back up and see where it goes.

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:49 pm
by j-man
Stuck in Hawaii? What a tragedy!

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:53 am
by Green Gibbon!
with my family

Of course, it's only because they're paying for the trip that I can afford to come at all.

This is actually my first time back in the states since I moved to Japan three years ago. I forgot how fat and rude everybody is! For my part, though, I don't seem to remember how to be polite in English. I keep trying to bow to people, then I realize that's weird for here and I don't know what to do so I just kind of stand there awkwardly. I had to pass between some people earlier and I literally stood there for a second not knowing how to do it because the "excuse me, coming through" gesture doesn't work here.

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:02 am
by Farmer
Green Gibbon! wrote:the "excuse me, coming through" gesture doesn't work here.
It.. doesn't? There's no such thing as 'Excuse me' in America? Or just the hand signal?

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 12:41 pm
by Rob-Bert
We say "excuse me" but you can't always bank on people listening.

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 3:07 pm
by Crowbar
What is this gesture you're thinking of, exactly? I can't really think of any sort of gesture I consciously make when trying to get past people. I just sort of posture myself as if I'm trying to squeeze past and say "Excuse me".

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:42 pm
by Delphine
In the States the usual way to get past people is to shout EXCUSE ME several times, be ignored, and just push through them anyway and ignore/return the nasty looks.

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:48 pm
by Green Gibbon!
What is this gesture you're thinking of, exactly?
In Japan the way to do it is to bow and kind of make a chopping motion with your hand like you're trying to slice your way through. It looked really rude to me when I first saw it and indeed I have advised people traveling to the states not to do it.

Holy shit, I forgot how dirty everything is here, too. The airport was dirty, the streets are dirty, the buses are filthy. The pizza's as good as I remember it, though!

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:07 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
I've done the chopping motion while going through crowds of Americans. It works, but it's not polite here. People just see a stray human limb appear between them and step back in surprise. As their eyes move up the hand to see who it belongs to, you just move through. You'll get a lot of "WTF?" looks.