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Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:07 pm
by Wooduck51
Excitement level: exospheric.

DANG IT THOUGH; only Sonic is playable.

Shadow, Knuckles and Tails mini figures and playability; please Sega/lego, my money shall be yours.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 9:01 am
by Frieza2000
Really? That's so odd. The Lego Starwars and DC hero games let you play as pretty much every model in the game, including random grunts. Do playable characters have a lot of dialog in Dimensions? Programatically it wouldn't have taken significant work; they could've just coded them all as clones of Sonic.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 5:50 pm
by Yami CJMErl
Purchasing the separate Packs/minifigures is Dimensions' equivalent to the character unlock mechanic. Toys-to-life model and all that. I would point out, however, that there ARE some minifigs that allow you to switch between multiple characters; Peter Venkman, Abby Yates, and B.A. Baracus specifically...

From what I've seen/played/researched, most playable characters are voiced, but only about half or so of them have original lines; many of them just have recordings directly ripped from their respective movies/shows, and I'm pretty sure one or two (Bart comes to mind) don't have any lines at all.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:08 pm
by Frieza2000

It's honestly not that impressive as far as potential Lego sets go, but just seeing Hidden Palace Zone depicted in a game for the first time since S&K makes me gush.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:46 pm
by chriscaffee
Yeah, the builds aren't great, but the adventure world is the closest thing we're likely to get of a 3D version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. If you explore the world after the Sonic Dimensions story, the emerald shrine will have all the Chaos Emeralds/Super Emeralds and you can transform into Super Sonic at will (There is also a fairly simple puzzle in Hidden Palace Zone full of fun references). This is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. Best Sonic game in the last five years, probably one of the best in the last 15. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but the only post-Sonic Adventure element to this whole expansion is the presence of Shadow and Omochao. Other then Emerald Coast, all the levels seem to be classic stages.

This will definitely quench my thirst until Sonic Mania is released. Here's hoping for a Sonic-based Team Pack sometime next year.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 4:58 pm
by Wooduck51
Though slumbering guardians of this place May cast Ill eyes upon such an outrageous action, I have raised this thread from the cobwebs of time, for after 16 years of waiting and betrayal by His creators themselves, the Shadow the hedgehog I hoped for and expected from post SA2 games has been realized in Sonic dimensions. Not the mess that has been featured alas in the main games, but instead here in the bricks and studs world I find the hedgehog who is really trying to make good on a friendship and a wish. Though He is not always sure how to (or probably always great at) make/making it happen, He will always keep striving to fulfill the dream!

In this least expected place my soul has found rest; I go at last home to peace..... farewell my compatriots.... all is well.

Re: Possible Sonic Lego Dimensions Cross Over

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:57 pm
by Wooduck51
But seriously though, Traveller's tales did a great job (also does any one else think it is kinda fitting that after helping usher sonic into 3-d with blast and sonic R, that now they have outshone most of sonic team's recent efforts?) It has all the fun of playing a game made by people who actually care about and enjoy sonic the hedgehog.
To objective for a moment; the camera still has plenty of uncertain moments when in full 3-D, And sonic still accelerates weird, but otherwise I so far can find no other faults.The crowning moment when I knew it was all I had hoped and more, was when I found the track that runs from green hill zone, through carnival and ice cap and back, and I took off running (mind you this not on rails, you most certainly can fly off) and I successfully careened along, with only my wits and thumbs to keep sonic from death, grinning like an idiot because everything worked so well that not only did I not die, I had fun! Challenging enough to make you grip the controller, but forgiving enough to actually play out that ethereal "Sonic experience", it is a good thing.