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Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:44 pm
by big_smile
Hmm... A PG-13 movie set in our world with humans. It's too bad GG! isn't around as this would be perfect for his Elise comments.

I'm actually looking forward to this movie, if only to see if it can top Sonic 2006 with its human/dead-hedgehog kissing scenes.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:47 pm
by G.Silver
I'm just gonna link back to this thing. I bet we could swing it towards PG-13.


Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:44 pm
by Rob-Bert
Still one of the best-written bad ideas I've ever seen.

Also can't believe I suggested they do the Scooby-Doo/Garfield/Alvin/Smurfs effect for Sonic. That's not a pretty mental image.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 3:02 am
by cjmcray
I've always wondered in my head how a Sonic movie would go..

This is just how I would do it. Be warned, some of my ideas are.. out there. I think something like this could be achieved through the live-action/CGI route, but it would have to be mostly cgi with small bits of live-action.

Movie 1 would focus on Sonic meeting Tails and Robotnik. I guess you can say It would start in a Michael Bay fashion to sortof set the tone that this is the real world, but then it becomes something more akin to the videogames.

Movie begins with a G.U.N chopper flying over a forest. A dirty, dingy laboratory is seen, covered in moss. Some G.U.N agents are sent into the abandoned Robotnikcorp factory after reports of strange lights and noises being seen by people living in nearby towns. Some teenagers (who used the place as a hangout) suddenly have gone missing. They rappel in. It's dark, empty and covered in cobwebs. Topaz from Sonic X makes a cameo in this scene. (I know Sonic X sucks, but she would fit within a scene like this) Suddenly robots appear and begin taking out G.U.N Agents one by one (not bloody or anything, they'd just toss some into walls and they'd go unconscious, or hit them with lasers, stuff like that)

Topaz and two others run for it and lock themselves into a large prison chamber. The robots begin beating on the doors. They're low on ammo and have no other way out. Someone in one of the cells begins talking to them (I don't have this entirely fleshed-out yet, he just gets their attention and asks to be let out) Topaz is nervous about releasing him, not knowing if he poses a threat to the group. The door becomes more and more dented. The robots are about to get in. The voice says if they don't let him out, they're as good as dead, so they release him. The robots charge in, a blue line flashes on the screen, sawing the robot in half. Other robots get in. The team tries to get a look at the blue thing attacking the robots but can't get a good look at him. Soon all the robots are toast. Sonic stands in front of some busted pipes, shooting off steam. You don't get a good look at him, but you can tell its him from the silhouette. Sonic takes off.

Meanwhile, Robotnik is in a van, being transferred to a special prison operated by G.U.N. The agents begin some exposition about why he's there. Experimentation on animals, secretly building weapons of mass destruction, yadda-yadda. Eggman's head hangs low, as if he's depressed. The van makes its way towards the facility, Eggman's head raises up with a maniacal smile, his eyes glow (Eggman is a mixture of human and machine in this) A robotic bird flies down and knocks the van upside down. While the G.U.N Agents are unconscious, Eggman kicks out the door. Several G.U.N Agents run out of the facility and charge towards him with their weapons held high. They fire, but Eggman holds his forearm forwards. A red-ish shield appears over his arm, deflecting the bullets. One of the Agents gets out of the van. Eggman comments that they sent him right where he wanted to be. A snakelike robot flies in from the sky and wraps itself around Eggman's arm, forming a huge laser rifle. Eggman fires, the G.U.N Agents duck for cover. He blows a huge hole in the wall of the facility. Alarms begin blaring. Several G.U.N choppers come in. A pilot mentions he's about to fire, when the G.U.N Chopper itself is blown up. The Egg Carrier appears in the clouds. Robots come from all directions and lay siege to the Facility. Eggman strolls in, grabs a Chaos Emerald from the vault and heads back outside where he gets inside the Egg Carrier.

I agree that I just wrote was a little too serious sounding. Ideally, there would be jokes and bits of humor in those scenes, to contrast the action and seriousness, but I'm not a comedian. This isn't even finished, i'm just spitballin' ideas here.

Anyway, Sonic makes his way towards the ruins of Green Hill. We get a good look at him now. He's dirty and has two broken, rusty handcuffs on his wrists and ankles. He has a flashback (scene entirely in CGI) of him running around Green Hill (think of the Sonic CD intro) while a remix of Green Hill's music plays. He stops as he hears Amy Rose calling him. Amy makes him a friendship bracelet, Sonic rolls his eyes. Like the videogames, he finds her annoying, and likes to mess with her, but at the same time, she's his only friend, so he cares about her (not in a romantic sense, though) Suddenly a missile falls behind Amy, everything goes red. Sonic breaks out of his daydream, washing his face off in a pond.

At some point, Sonic meets Tails and treats him like shit. He finds him annoying, but Tails is lonely and thinks Sonic is way-cool so he won't leave him alone. Tails offers to let Sonic stay at his place for the night. Sonic eats all his food and sleeps in his bed.

Eventually at some point, Eggman's presence is known. Sonic wants to break into his lab and dish out some revenge. Tails mentions he'll never get past security without his help, since he is a tech-guru. Sonic groans and agrees. Tails reveals an old crashed plane that he found in the woods and has been restoring, he calls it the Tornado. Sonic calls it a piece of junk, but gets onboard anyways. The two make it into Eggman's lab. To add some levity to the story, they dress up as badly designed robots. Again, I'm not a comedian, but I think this would be a good opportunity for some humorous bits. Sonic in his robot suit, gets separated from Tails and is forced into a large arena where he has to fight another robot for Eggman's pleasure, in a Gladiator type scene. Sonic beats the robot, then takes off his robot suit, calling out Eggman. All the robots in the audience gasp. (can robots gasp?) Eggman, angry that Sonic is free, calls out his deadliest machine-- Metal Sonic. He explains Sonic was locked up for a reason. He wanted to create the deadliest, fastest machine on earth. Sonic fights Metal, but gets his ass handed to him. Metal's arm morphs into a large blade, which he holds against Sonic's neck. He looks up at Eggman, who gives Metal a thumbs down. Suddenly, a laser blasts knocks Metal backwards. Gamma appears. (We see though that it's really Tails remotely controlling him from outside) Gamma picks up Sonic and flees while robots gives chase. Gamma makes it outside and drops Sonic in the Tornado. The two flee.

Again, Sonic acts like a dick and blames Tails for saving his life. Eggman, inside his lair sees the two on camera and fires a missile towards them. The Tornado is shot down and crashes. Sonic awakens in a snowy forest. He once again has a flashback of Amy, only this one is more fleshed-out than the one from earlier. Robots set fire to Green Hill, Amy is seen being carried away by machines. Soon, the two are in a prison cell, Sonic promises they'll get out, but Amy is carried away and he never sees her again. He blames himself for failing her. Time passes and he is forgotten in the cell. He becomes angry and vengeful.

Sonic awakens from his sleep, amidst of a bunch of wreckage. Tails is nowhere to be found. Sonic realizes he's been treating Tails like crap and feels guilty for it. He sets off to find Eggman and stop him. (There's missing bits to the story I have in my head. At some point earlier in the story, Eggman learns that the Station Square Museum will hold an exhibit featuring a Chaos Emerald. Sonic knows Eggman is after the Emerald, so he runs off for Station Square. Also, Tails invents a device in Sonic's glove that allows him to generate rings, which he tosses at enemies like a weapon. He still spindashes too, though)

Montage of Sonic running across the world, from a snowy mountain, to a tropical beach at sunset, a moonlit forest with fireflies everywhere, really nice animation, with calming, soothing music playing in the background.

Sonic reaches Station Square. Eggman makes a grand entrance in the museum, with a top hat and cane, accompained by robots. (Again, good opportunity for some comedy) He steals the Emerald, then has his robots lock the doors and has the museum rigged to blow as he makes his escape. Tails blows a hole in the wall, in a new souped-up Tornado. everyone flees. An army of machines starts to attack the city. Buzzbombers begin shooting cars, Caterkillers climb up buildings. Tails fires at a lot of them, but can't keep up. A buzzbomber shoots at him, but Sonic appears and spindashes it to pieces, landing on the wing of the Tornado. The hand and wristcuffs come off, revealing Sonic in his regular, modern look from the games. The two patch things up. Sonic tells Tails to handle the robots, while he goes after Robotnik.

Metal Sonic appears. Sonic and him race/fight across the rooftops of Station Square, lots of sfx in this scene. Sonic causes Metal to fly into the front of a speeding semi, where is supposedly dies.

Sonic gets inside another one of Robotnik's abandoned labortories. (Eggman used to have several in different locations, all of which were shut down) He makes his way into a large circular room. Eggman appears in a large robot and gives a big speech about a new world order, once he hijacks a satellite. Metal Sonic appears once again, beaten up, but still determined to kill Sonic. He holds Sonic by the neck once again, and tries to kill him. Sonic raises his arm, trying to break free, when the bracelet Amy gave him as a child slips out from underneath his glove, and down his wrist. Metal hesitates. Eggman is wondering what is going on. Sonic takes advantage of Metal's hesitation and spindashes him against a wall. Part of Metal's head cracks open, revealing something pink underneath. Eggman laughs that he couldn't think of a better way to kill Sonic than by his best friend. The two fight some more, until Metal is knocked into a generator, and fried. Sonic picks up Metal. The robotic exterior cracks apart, revealing Amy Rose underneath, dazed and confused. Sonic tells Amy to get outside, she makes a run for it. Eggman starts up his robot and the two fight.

At some point, Sonic causes Eggman's machine to drop the Emerald. Sonic grabs holds of it, and starts running across the walls at an incredible speed, causing the paneling on the walls to fly off and rip the arms and legs off of Eggman's robot. He creates a blue tornado which breaks open the skylight and sends both flying into the sky. Sonic quickly jumps inside the head of the robot, and pulls out the handcuffs which have been stuck to him for so long. He puts one of the cuffs on Eggman's arm, the other on a piece of machinery, trapping Eggman inside. Sonic then jumps out as the robot falls to the ground with Eggman inside
Tails sees the explosion from Eggman's lab and rushes to save Sonic. Police storm the area. A beaten-up Eggman gets up from the rubble to see several gun pointed towards him. He lifts up his arms and nervously chuckles.

Epilogue with Sonic, Tails and Amy using the Emerald to restore Green Hill animals from the Genesis games are everywhere. They decide to go off and find the rest of the Emeralds. Hint at a Sonic/Amy romance (whaaaaat?) "Endless Possibility" from Sonic Unleashed plays as it goes into the credits.

Post-credits scene with Eggman being escorted into a prison cell. He lifts up the mattress to find the diary of Professor Gerald Robotnik. Eggman cackles. Prisoner is next cell yells at Eggman to shut up. Eggman cackles quietly.

Again, ideally there would be a lot more humor inbetween the action/serious bits, there's a also a subplot of man being dependent on machines and having robot helpers. Eggman wants to hijack a satellite to make all the machines obey him, but the idea I have is not really fleshed-out.

Movie 2 would focus on Eggman's childhood and Gerald, and would give the viewer a better idea behind Eggman's motives. Shadow obviously would be in, but I think Biolizard would be too much of a stretch for a Hollywood movie, so a completely new ending would have to be made. (But still end with Shadow dying) the ARK would be ready to crash, and Eggman would want to "go down with the ship" leaving the viewer to believe Eggman dies. Post-credits scene shows the Ark crashing into a volcano, and Knuckles walking out from the bushes to see what happened.

Movie 3 would be a mixture of Sonic Adventure and Sonic 3, with Knuckles being an adversary throughout most of it. The ruins of the Death Egg would be replaced with the ruins of the Ark.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:55 am
by Wombatwarlord777
If multiple Sonic movies were to be planned, I'd rather have it that each were an entirely a self-contained story, and that they only make the next movie if they felt the previous one were successful enough. The Sonic Boom debacle shows that SEGA can definitely bite off more than it can chew, and the SatAM, Underground, and Sonic Chronicles endings show that they haven't been afraid to cut their losses and leave behind gaping plot-holes. If they want to tease any sort of sequel to this movie, a good marketing campaign once said sequel was in production would probably be effective enough.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:13 pm
by Wooduck51
Wombatwarlord777 wrote:...I imagine that the movie will probably have an original story heavily influenced by the games, but if they were to do an adaptation, the best choice would probably be Sonic Adventure 2. It has a fairly tight story (it's not overly sprawling like the first Adventure game) while also featuring varied eye-catching locales and most of the major players in the newer Sonic games. It would probably earn that coveted PG-13 rating. The game itself is probably one of the more well-known entries in the series, especially with a demographic that's coming into financial independence (as well as young kids of their own, rating be damned). Personally, I would also like it because the story has just the right amount of heart near the end.

Man, I kind of feel like the guy who had to pitch this movie idea in the first place. Okay, I'll stop.
By all that is good in the world let it be as you have spoken, a ( mind blowingly awesome) adaption of SA2, maybe with Joss whedon involved? The requisite character to be killed off is already there, and just imagine the Biohazard fight... it could be amazing.

That being said I admit if they could write a good enough script I would love a crazy bright colored adventure as well.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 8:41 pm
by Jingles

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:33 pm
by G.Silver
Look out, Marvel!

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 12:27 pm
by Majestic Joey
There should be an altered beast and streets of rage crossover episode.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:51 pm
by Dash
Does anything besides Sonic in this list have the brand recognition to pull this off? I think my non-gaming friends have maaaaaybe heard of Virtua Fighter and Crazy Taxi.

That said, maybe we should have a series of The Fast and the Furious style Outrun movies. It'd be just like it, but it all takes place during the blue-skied day!

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:36 pm
by Esrever
It's funny that Sony is simultaneously developing Sonic and Mario films. At least the Mario one is being conceived as an animated film, though.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 9:02 pm
by Rob-Bert
Why does everybody think the Mario film is actually going to happen? It hasn't been confirmed that Avi Arad has Nintendo's blessing.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:06 pm
I think it's ripe for Ninja nostalgia now so a Shinobi film could theatrically make gangbusters. But to play it straight or delve into the pop culture madness (yes please) of Revenge of Shinobi?

But hey! Y'think we could convince Sega to license a webcomic like Namco did with Shiftylook? E.g., :Pengo:.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 5:31 pm
by Jingles
Those Shiftylook comics/games/cartoons were fucking terrible, though.

seriously, whoever redesigned the valkyrie no densetsu characters must have been really pressed for time

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:47 am
by Esrever
Are you sure the problem isn't that you have TERRIBLE TASTE?

(I drew one of those comics and so did several of my friends, lol)

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 5:57 am
by Jingles
Esrever wrote:TERRIBLE TASTE?

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 7:55 am
by Rob-Bert
What's the problem?

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:36 pm
by Jingles
To be fair, the one on the right is the more accurate representation of the in-game sprite.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:47 pm
by Brazillian Cara
Esrever wrote:Are you sure the problem isn't that you have TERRIBLE TASTE?

(I drew one of those comics and so did several of my friends, lol)
You did? I should check that out.
...or at least I would, if they hadn't closed down the whole thing. Just what happened?

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:57 am
by Esrever
AE Davis' Valkyrie art was adorable! I liked the Shiftylook comics that were the most... aggressive in their re-imaginings. That was certainly the mandate of the site: to take these old games (which often had only the most barebones of premises) and experiment with fleshing them out in radically different directions.

The one I drew was Tower of Babel. It was the very last comic they added to the Shiftylook schedule... we only got to do one season of 26 pages. We didn't know it, but the decision to shut down the Shiftylook project was being considered before our comic even started running. I guess we just had bad timing! It's too bad. We never really got to find out if our take on it was going to click with readers. It wasn't up for very long and it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.


As for what happened to Shiftylook, I guess it wasn't really any different than what happens to any marketing campaign that runs its course. Every year, Namco would provide funding to Shiftylook to create stuff that would promote and potentially reinvigorate their old franchises. And at the end of the 2013 fiscal year I guess they just decided not to do it again and spend that money on something else!

It's sad that the site isn't up anymore. I wish I could just rehost our comic on my own server so I could keep it freely available, but I don't own it so I can't!

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 4:03 pm
by Dr. BUGMAN ... 07021.html

I didn't think this was promising even before I learned who it stars. Fuck this era of brand recognition film concepts.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:13 pm
by Gaz
So, it seems this Sonic movie is still on the way.

Doesn't seem like there's any new details whatsoever other than it's supposed to be released in 2018.

Re: coming to theaters near you

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:50 pm
by Gaz
So, it seems Sonic's not the only Sega franchise with a movie on the way with a Shinobi movie also being in deveolpment.

I know it's more than likely going to be shit(if it even happens) and the Shinobi games aren't exactly known for having good stories but even so I find the idea of a Shinobi movie more exciting than the Sonic one.