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Re: Happy 5th birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:13 pm
by Crowbar
Oh wow, I can never unsee that now.

Re: Happy 5th birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:42 pm
by Arcade
Wombatwarlord777 wrote:If nothing else, the game is hilarious in how poorly it performs and in how badly the story is executed. The later cut scenes especially are worth lots of laffs, though there are always Let's Plays for that...

I just hope you didn't pay much for it.
Ditto that, the game is just horrible.

Re: Happy 5th birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 8:36 am
by cjmcray
Hahaha, oh man.

I'm glad I didn't pay retail price for this thing. Good Lord.

Re: Happy 5th birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!!

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:47 am
by Locit
cjmcray wrote:Hahaha, oh man.

I'm glad I didn't pay retail price for this thing. Good Lord.
Actually, how much did you pay for it? I've been looking for a nice terrible game lately to play as a group. Might as well be Sonic.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:25 pm
by Isuka
He already said it was $14. If you don't mind it, try to go for a used copy with this thing.

Re: Happy 5th birthday, Sonic The Hedgehog!!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:41 pm
by M.C.Dillinger
When I was watching a let's play of Sonic 06 I eventually understood what they were trying to do. Or at least I think I do. This game was supposed to be Sonic Adventure 3 with a dramatic story about preventing a apocalyptic disaster. I'm sure you all know that already and that they failed miserably at it. However, I started to think about how a story like that could work with Sonic the Hedgehog.

satam proved that darker stories about Sonic can still work as long as the character is still fun. This is the biggest pitfall of 06's plot, in addition to horrible characterization and sloppy plot holes,is that it takes itself completely seriously at all times despite starring a currently marketable hedgehog. How would you rewrite this story? By making a deterministic Greek tragedy. I know that sounds completely insane but that's what I would do. I will go over a few changes I would do is explaining all of it would be would create a wall of text none of you would read.

Princess Elise would be gone, pushed aside for a cameo or as a minor character at most. Instead, Silver comes from the future to try and stop Sonic from becoming Ibils.

The flames of disaster (or whatever I'll rename it to) won't be triggered by crying; because that's stupid. It would be triggered by anger instead. That is at least consistent with fire.

Sonic will joke about everything he can to calm his nerves and reassure those around him. His humor becomes increasingly bizarre and random as the story progresses.

The big plot twist would be that Sonic became Ibils because he knew he would and tried to stop it from happening. This creates a time loop where tales of spends his entire life to make a time machine to send Silver back into the past to stop sonic from becoming. . .

Silver then casts Shadow with ending the time loop (because if Silver tried to do it himself he risks a time paradox). Shadow then manipulates various supporting characters people normally don't care about (or just kills Sonic) eating in some morbidly humorous bad endings, and one good ending where sonic saves himself to the tune of a Crush 40 song.

This is why Sega will never let me touch Sonic the Hedgehog. . .