Worst Sonic Game ever!

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Worst Sonic Game ever!

Post by Chaos Control »

I thought of a great poll idea, but since I can't create polls I'll just ask for your opinions.

What is the worst Sonic game ever?

I think the worst Sonic game is Sonic Labrinth(note: I can't spell).
The entire game sucked!

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Post by WhoopA »

I can't hold it back...

I'm going to nominate the edutainment title "Sonic Schoolhouse."

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Post by BlazeHedgehog »

It's so hard to pick just one...

Sonic Spinball was alright until you beat the first stage. Toxic Caves was awesome, but the rest of the game is a messy, haphazard, awful pile of crap that only gets progressively worse the farther you go.

Sonic Labyrinth was perhaps the most hilariously wrong Sonic game to ever exist. "Hey, I know! Let's take Sonic... and make him really slow! And then he'll collect Keys, like Doom!" Mmmno.

Sonic 3D Blast did so much wrong as well. It was like a Knuckles Emerald Shard hunt except you had no radar. And no enemies to fight, either! So basically you wandered around really boring levels. I mean, really, who came up with that? "We'll send Sonic on a scavanger hunt with only 5 enemies per level!"

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Post by Esrever »

Sonic Advance 2: to date, the ONLY home console Sonic that I've ever hated so much that I couldn't be bothered to beat it. And let me tell you, I have bothered to beat some pretty shitty Sonic games, Labyrinth and 3D Blast included.

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Post by Segaholic2 »

The Saturn version of 3D Blast's special stages made up for the rest of the game. It was like you had to suffer through the main game to get to the good stuff. If someone rips the data from the game, ports it to the PC or some other platform, and takes out everything but the special stages so that you can play any of them any time you want, I think my life would be complete.

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Post by Crazy Penguin »

G Sonic was painful to play even when it wasn't being particularly frustrating.

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Post by Squirrelknight »

Esrever wrote:Sonic Advance 2: to date, the ONLY home console Sonic that I've ever hated so much that I couldn't be bothered to beat it. And let me tell you, I have bothered to beat some pretty shitty Sonic games, Labyrinth and 3D Blast included.
The Game Boy Advance is a home console?

As for me, I'd have to say the worst Sonic game is Sonic Shuffle. The others like G-Sonic or Sonic Heroes may suck completely, but at least they didn't have "Maginaryworld" *shivers*

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Post by chriscaffee »

Super Sonic didn't look ass in SS though. I don't dig the hole dipped in jello thing.


Guuuh... HAL JORDAN!!!

Post by Guest »

Worst Sonic game ever??? Hard question... mmmh...

Sonic Lybirinth (or something alike)... nah, I actually ENJOYED the game on my old game gear back wehn one of out tires went flat and my dad had to walk around 10 km. to bring another tire from a gass station... the WHOLE TIME I played SL and actually grew kindda fond of it... I'll leave it this way: I don't have the GG anymore, but I STILL own my Sonic Lybirinth game.

I would say Sonic 2 for GG... of course, I haven't played G-Sonic, so I can't be all that sure.

BTW, Sonic Shuffle... mmh... never played it either.

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Post by bcdcdude »

I actually liked Sonic 3D to be honest. It made quite a nice change. Of course - it's not the best game, but there's a whole load of crapper ones.

For me, my worst would probably have to be Sonic Advance. I mean it's not a total disaster - in fact it's OK - but it's one of the only games where i can't be arsed to finish it properly. I'd say that's true to a lot of the Game Gear games - but that's because i don't have the time to play it as opposed to i don't want to play it

Other then that, there has been no Sonic game i truly despised - even i got a little enjoyment out of Sonic Heroes. A little mind you.

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Post by The Doc »

Sonic Spinball, Genesis or Game Gear, is biblically horrific. The Machine is damn near impossible to do.

Like I've said before, Sonic Heroes for me was only enjoyable in the soundtrack. I was actually HOPING for a Chao Garden in the game just so we wouldn't have to worry too much about the actual game. Once I did Super Hard Mode, I put it away for a long time. Once I get the soundtrack, I don't think I'll ever play it again.

G Sonic...ugh. So boring, so ugly...beh.

Tails Skypatrol is too short to have an opinion on.

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Post by Owen Axel »

Definitely Sonic Blast by my account. As if G Sonic wasn't bad enough, they amazingly managed to create a port that was even worse.

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Post by Popcorn »

Sonic Shuffle, or possibly Sonic: The Fated Hour.

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Post by Dark Dolphin »

Sonic Spinball. I could play the Toxic Caves for the music only, because I kind of liked that. The rest of the game sucked, however.

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Post by Grant »

I agree that Labyrinth, G Sonic and Spinball were all pretty shitty, but the Sonic game I hated most was Sonic 2 on the Game Gear.

It was just so god damn frustrating! I never even got past the first Zone.

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Post by Tsuyoshi-kun »

Sonic Shuffle. Horrid, PlayStation 1-esque loading times, frustrating mini-games, cheap CPU, long, boring boards, and the blatant use of cel-shading just to look cool, etc. It wasn't more so a Sonic game than Mario Party with Sonic characters (Hudson worked on both games, surprise surprise), except crappier, meaner, and a billion times more frustrating. One of the only two Sonic games I rented and never played again (the rest I usually buy when they come out).

If there was a runner-up, I'd say Sonic 2 GG. I still can't believe there was a time I could get everything in that game.

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Post by Zeta »

Sonic 2 GG. Horrible bosses that were ridiculously difficult. Shitty level design. Awful graphics - even for the GG. I thought Sonic 1 GG looked better. And the music was pretty bad, too.

And even if you were able to survive that damned ant lion boss, the damn second zone with those screwy hang-gliders would kill you for sure.

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Post by Brazillian Cara »

(quote)Sonic Spinball was alright until you beat the first stage. Toxic Caves was awesome, but the rest of the game is a messy, haphazard, awful pile of crap that only gets progressively worse the farther you go. (quote)

I never got the chance to get to the end of Toxic Caves. And I already hated the game even before knowing it's a lot worse now.

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Post by Neo Yi »

Sonic Spinball was a mass of frustration and annoyance packed into one. I hate this game and I like pinball damn it.

Sonic 3D Blast...nooo...just no. I mean, you control Sonic, but he's slower then your fat Uncle Larry and the flickies you collect all spread out like crazy whenever you hit an enemy, so you have to waste time collecting them all back without risk of loosing them away and they tend to travel pretty damn far.

Sonic Heroes
for obvious reasons.

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Post by The Doc »

I totally forgot at Sonic 2 for GG. What do you think the first meeting for that was like?

"How about, for the Sky High Zone, we put in hang gliders to fly around?"

"Hey, yeah! And what if...we made the hang glider controls more screwy than a Miss America applicant?"

"You're a genius! And what if we made an impossible level of confusing pipe mazes? And we'll give it a totally gay name like 'Scrambled Egg Zone'?"

"Hey, what about better graphics?"




"Now that's just STUPID Where did you go to school? Fuckup University?!!"


And I don't mention Sonic Shuffle 'cause I (smartly) never played it. The characters look like they were drawn by retarded seven-year-olds whose heads were covered by burlap sacks filled with bees, not to mention more Ryan Drummond and Elara Distlar allowed by law.


Sonic Drift was boring. Just take Mario Kart, slap on a Sonic sprite, add new backgrounds, game. But it was for Game Gear, so what else is to expect?


Chaotix, while somewhat pretty, wasn't exactly G-Phoria Game of the Year either.


I'm surprised nobody's mention Sonic Advance 3 yet. I've never played it, but everybody's saying how shitty it is.

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Post by Owen Axel »

Really? I was under the impression that the opinion was that Sonic Advance 3 was the one Advance platformer that actually rated higher than the regular "frustrating waste of time" the fit the bill of the two previous ones.

I certainly liked it, though perhaps only as a contrast to Sonic Advance 2, which was truly an effort towards tormenting the player.

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Post by Crazy Penguin »

The Doc wrote:Sonic Drift was boring. Just take Mario Kart, slap on a Sonic sprite, add new backgrounds, game. But it was for Game Gear, so what else is to expect?
But Mario Kart was good. Very good. I wouldn't have minded Drift so much if it was anywhere near as well designed and just plain fun as Mario Kart.

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Post by The Doc »

I never said Sonic Drift was bad. I said it was BORING. I played Super Mario Kart before Drift, so it just felt like a rehash, which it was.

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Post by Light Speed »

I actually liked Sonic Spinball. I never beat it, but I got really freaking close, like one more emerald on the last stage close. If you weren't expecting a Sonic game then its pretty cool, it wasn't terribly frusturating once you learned how to beat each level. Some parts were annoying though.

I'd have to say Sonic Shuffle was the worst. I enjoyed the Mario Party's, but forcing you to play a party game one player to unlock stuff is stupid and the minigames were not fun. Its not that hard to make an enjoyable mini game, but no they all sucked.

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Post by Zeta »

I thought Drift was fairly decent considering the team had the gall to put a mostly 3D formula on a portable that could barely handle two dimensions as it was.

And most of the raceways were unique and interesting enough that I wish they had all beeb recreated in some form for Sonic R, Especially the one shaped like Eggman's head.

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