Super Sonic Galaxy

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Segaholic2 »


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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Locit »

J.E.Smith wrote:Nintendo Power is giving this a 9 (Blow them up if the text is too small)
Wow, and this is the Nintendo Power that isn't owned by Nintendo. The mind reels!

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Radrappy »

At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by J.E.Smith »

Well, the same thing that happened with Sonic 4 may repeat itself here, the early reviews give the game much praise, but it turns out the game is flawed. Some of the people who didn't like Sonic 4 are wondering if Sega is paying off the reviewers to give the game good scores.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by FlashTHD »

Radrappy wrote:At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.
J.E.Smith wrote:Well, the same thing that happened with Sonic 4 may repeat itself here, the early reviews give the game much praise, but it turns out the game is flawed. Some of the people who didn't like Sonic 4 are wondering if Sega is paying off the reviewers to give the game good scores.
Y'all are only coming to coming to these conclusions now? :p

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Esrever »

I believe the dude who wrote this review said he'd have given a 7 and 6 to Secret Rings and Unleashed Wii, respectively. I think the actual Nintendo Power reviews gave both games an 8. Numbers!

Personally, I give this review a 37 out of 48.2 with two bonus stars and a side of mayo.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Segaholic2 »

Radrappy wrote:At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.
Yes, because our opinions should never disagree with those of the "professional" media. Halo is literally the greatest franchise of our generation. Praise Allah.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Dr. BUGMAN »

I think you mean to say Grand Theft Auto.

Chinatown Wars sucks so hard.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by G.Silver »

Segaholic2 wrote:
Radrappy wrote:At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.
Yes, because our opinions should never disagree with those of the "professional" media. Halo is literally the greatest franchise of our generation. Praise Allah.
No, yes (at Rappy) because they can't possibly be looking at it with the same degree of investment in the franchise we are. It isn't that we can't agree with the media, it's that they can't possibly be considering the game on the same value scale we are. I'm certainly not going to base my interest in this game on anything that anyone else says about it.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Radrappy »

Segaholic2 wrote:
Radrappy wrote:At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.
Yes, because our opinions should never disagree with those of the "professional" media. Halo is literally the greatest franchise of our generation. Praise Allah.
Look I hate halo as much as the next dude but its silly to claim that reviews/scores are useless. I know it's a popular tone to take these days but please. Obviously what one jerkwad thought of your precious game doesn't mean much. But when we're dealing with something as subjective as this medium is, the general critical reception of the product is a valid concern. (for instance, it's all well and good that you wrangled enjoyment out of Phantasy Star Universe, but the general consensus of the game being trash might be a healthier recommendation to give everyday folk.)

Why are we even discussing what nintendo power gave the game if we supposedly "don't give a fuck"?
G.Silver wrote:
Segaholic2 wrote:
Radrappy wrote:At this point in our relationship with the press and the franchise, I don't think this game getting high praise or good scores is going to mean you'll enjoy it. You pricks.
Yes, because our opinions should never disagree with those of the "professional" media. Halo is literally the greatest franchise of our generation. Praise Allah.

No, yes (at Rappy) because they can't possibly be looking at it with the same degree of investment in the franchise we are. It isn't that we can't agree with the media, it's that they can't possibly be considering the game on the same value scale we are. I'm certainly not going to base my interest in this game on anything that anyone else says about it.
shouldn't their lack of investment actually serve as a better litmus test for quality? To be honest, I've always assumed reviews of sonic games weren't for sonic fans. Sure, a nice score is a hearty notch on our favorite franchise's belt, but the actual evaluation is meant for someone who is deciding whether or not to buy the game. Everyone here has probably already decided.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Crisis »

One part of the problem is that the best reviewers aren't the ones being given attention in the media. The other part of the problem is that people want review scores on launch day and most games take a lot longer to review than, say, a movie or a book, which is something game companies like to take advantage of.

There are reliable video game reviewers out there, and some of them are starting to get noticed, but for the most part positions in game journalism are given based on connections and luck more than quality or consistency. When I'm thinking of buying a game, I usually turn to Yahtzee's reviews for first person shooters or 3D adventure games and here for everything else. (So anyone here who happens to work in games journalism can consider themselves exceptions to that bit about quality and consistency!)

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Segaholic2 »

Who gives a fuck what game "journalists" or the average game buyer thinks? Certainly not me.

I generally pay no heed whatsoever to professional reviews nowadays, basing my rental/purchase choices on my own personal interest or the opinions of people I value. And no, it is not silly to claim that review scores are useless, because they are. I wrote a long rant about how they do nothing good for everyone a few years ago, so it's a stance I've held long before it apparently became "popular" or "trendy" to latch onto now. Which is a good thing, because more people should agree with me. Because I'm right. All the time.

I also don't give a shit about sales, because popular mainstream crap will always sell millions and the more niche games that take risks very rarely do. The average consumer is a total fucking idiot, which is why so many terrible products exist in every medium on the planet (music, movies, TV shows, books, clothes, etc etc etc). I financially support the products I appreciate and evangelize them to people who will listen, and that's really the best I can hope to do.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Crisis »

Segaholic2 wrote:Who gives a fuck what game "journalists" or the average game buyer thinks?
SEGA do, and are disowning the Sonic games that don't get good enough review scores, turning consumers and the gaming press into a kind of unpaid beta tester community for their randomly conceived Sonic titles. It's exactly the kind of well-meaning but incompetent executive decision we've come to expect, I suppose.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by gr4yJ4Y »

Segaholic2 wrote:Who gives a fuck what [everyone else] thinks? Certainly not me.

More people should agree with me. Because I'm right. All the time.

On a side note, I have enjoyed playing Halo with people in the past. I don't see how this is treason.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Kogen »

SEGA is not going to actually do that Metacritic filter they mentioned now that Sonic 4 never got its 9/10s universally.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Tsuyoshi-kun »

Segaholic2 wrote:popular mainstream crap will always sell millions and the more niche games that take risks very rarely do.
Then explain why you like Uncharted 2, then. It's mainstream after all, ain't it?

Then again, I bought Sonic Unleashed on the 360 on the recommendations of near everyone on here that played it liking it. Nearly every single one of you (except Green Gibbon!) are dead wrong.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Radrappy »

haha yeah it's not nearly as good in retrospect. WHUPS!

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Segaholic2 »

Because it was a legitimately good product that the mainstream media happened to evaluate accurately (this does happen, rarely; see also: Demon's Souls, Vanquish). However, I didn't base my own judgment of the game on anybody's review or the fact that it sold well, and I still think saying things like "Uncharted 2 is at least a 9.5 game" is stupid. But nope lol Segaholic2 likes something that was critically acclaimed HAHA TRAPPED NOW

Way to miss the point, idiots.

I don't recall ever saying Sonic Unleashed was a good game. I never even beat it.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by P.P.A. »

What makes me wary of reviews in general is that they invest too little time into a game. Seeing how they are in a rush to pump them out as soon as possible, they might only play a game once and write their review based on that and the experience they had. This leads to them disregarding the game’s finer merits, or lack thereof. You might have a game which is a blast to play and which will receive euphoric praise by people who have done so, but which offers little to keep you coming back for more and which, had the reviewers taken the time to calm down and play it again after a while, would have received worse scores, recommendations to rather just rent it, or added points of criticism.
Even if a game is played multiple times, the reviewers will do so within a few days of intense playing, not allowing them to settle down and either let their anger at certain points recede to open themselves a bit more and notice details and values which are not as prominent if you just rush through it or let their hype make way for a more rational and professional analysis which becomes aware of more subtle but nevertheless important shortcomings of the game.

A few examples I could cite are Super Mario Galaxy which was praised into astronomical heights (no pun intended) but, while I admit to it being quite enjoyable to play once, I could not be bothered to play again as the levels offer little variety and thus it just went to rot on my shelf after I was done with it, Sonic 06 which while admittedly almost unplayable exhibited a very good stage design which however cannot be noticed unless someone actually keeps playing and exploring the game after torturing themselves with the story mode, games - like Sonic CD, Ikrauga (or any other shmup really) - which reveal their quality not in the main game but if the player spends time on getting really good at them and learning the finer details of their designs and mechanics to realise their astounding depth, or games like those of the Dept. Heaven Episodes series which encourage replays by offering not only a lot of unlockables but also a wide range of possible options which liven up every new playthrough with new and varied experiences and options.
None of these would ever be noticed by reviewers who are sent the game, play through it over the course of 3 days, and then type up their article before moving on to the next one.

…I forgot to use the long „ſ“ in this post. Oh well, can’t be bothered now.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Edgerock »
RUMOR - Mario and Sonic's next game not sports related, Sonic Colors could go to 360/PS3

It's been awhile since we heard from Wentos the Travelling Salesman, the mysterious man that seems to get Sonic information spot-on. This same person offered up information about Sonic Unleashed that ended up being completely true. When Wentos the Travelling Salesman, Sonic fans sit up and listen. This time around, Wentos had a bit to say about the next Mario and Sonic title, as well as Sonic Colors possibly going to 360/PS3.

On the rumored next Mario and Sonic outing: “Without giving anything away…this time, it’s not a sports game. It’s turning out quite well. I think some of you may be a little surprised.”

On Sonic Colors Wii/DS exclusivity: “…Wii/DS is a much more cost-effective pairing, especially for an ‘experimental’ Sonic game like this where they needed the financial and developmental freedom to craft 50+ (!) stages. The technology and design plan is all set up to do the port on Sonic Team’s end. Of course, they need strong sales to justify releasing it on the other two platforms (with enhancements, more money spent, etc) in the first place, so it’s all up to you guys.”

Thanks to all that sent this in!

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by K2J »

I'll believe it when it happens.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Esrever »


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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Dr. BUGMAN »

To think that not more than a couple of years ago such a prospect would've had me at the edge of my seat. All I feel is ennui.

And I'll still be disappointed.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by MiraiTails »

If Colors comes to 360, my owning a Wii will become even less necessary.
...On the rumored next Mario and Sonic outing: “Without giving anything away…this time, it’s not a sports game. It’s turning out quite well. I think some of you may be a little surprised.” ...
Woah, easy there Wentos. Don't over sell it.

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Re: Super Sonic Galaxy

Post by Crazy Penguin »

I have a lot more faith in a Mario/Sonic title than a purely Sonic one. When was the last time Mario starred in an outright BAD game? I'm recent memory the only one I can think of that got a bad reception was Mario Pinball.

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