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Wii U Launch

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:33 am
by gr4yJ4Y
So the Wii U launch details came out this week and it's really quiet on the forum here. We should talk about it.

Bayonetta 2 exists and it's a Wii U exclusive. I tried playing the first game on PS3 and just did not get into it. I know there's a lot of fans of the game here though. Pikmin 3 is not coming out at launch, but is a "launch window" game.

32GB is a very small storage space at this day and age. And $300 (or $350 for the 32GB memory) still feels like a lot for a system with technology only slightly better than what was available in 2006, but you're mostly paying for the tablet controller. The games will cost $60 each, which most people are used to now. The multiplayer stuff will require a Pro controller or Wii Motion Plus enabled remotes.

It feels like the general public is still not aware that Nintendo is launching a new system and they'll likely overlook the Wii U as a new version of the old Wii unless things change by November 18. I'm not sure if the casual crowd has even caught on that 3DS is a different system than the DS.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 4:49 pm
by Esrever
$350 is about $50 more expensive than I think the deluxe bundle should cost, but that's what happens when the yen is strong and the US dollar is suffering. Other than that I think it looks like a pretty fun package. It's a pretty solid line-up of launch window exclusives, at least if you are into the kind of games that I am. And though I hate to sound like someone who has drunk too much of the cool-aid, I'm super interested in these so-called "asymetric" multiplayer game designs like Rayman Legends and Nintendoland, where you have two very different kinds of game designs interacting. They remind me of this great GBA/Cube linked game in Rayman 3 where the GBA player built roadways in a tetris-style game while the Cube player drove along them in a 3D kart racer. I haven't seen anything that really captivated the same part of my brain as that minigame did until now.

I've read conflicting things about whether or not the Wii U is only compatible with Motion Plus remotes. I'd like to see an official statement on that to clear it up, because I only have one plus remote!

A lot of Bayonetta fans are angry about the sequel being a Wii U exclusive, but quite frankly, I think they should be thanking Nintendo for resurrecting a long-canned title that no other publisher of Nintendo's size was ever going to pay for. I'm actually really excited to see Nintendo entering such a strong relationship with Platinum, publishing two of their games right out of the gate... hopefully it'll be a long partnership that will give Platinum the fiscal stability they need to keep making more off-kilter and less "commercially viable" stuff without having to worry about getting their projects canned.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 5:54 pm
by Jingles
I think Rayman looks pretty cool, but that's about it. I can't wait to see what developers do using that UPad, though, it could get exciting!

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:25 pm
by G.Silver
Bayonetta getting a shot as a "launch title" is also a great opportunity to do whatever it is that publishers expect from new franchises that launch with new systems. Not that Bayonetta is new, but it's a good chance to make a splash with a new audience that's hungry for new things. Whether or not it's great for Bayonetta's existing fans, it's great for Bayonetta! It's also great to see a more "mature" game like that releasing right away on a Nintendo system. I guess the Wii had that gun+sword game near launch but long term nobody really seemed to care much about that? I don't even remember what it was called!

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2012 9:18 pm
by Esrever

It even got a sequel that was much better, but people had already long forgotten it by then.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:12 pm
by Crisis
I think the Wii U and its launch lineup look pretty solid. I'm not sure how great a launch ambassador Bayonetta is - I feel like she's a little bit too incongruous with Nintendo's image and target audience for this to be anything more than an alliance of convenience - but I would agree that Nintendo's decision to publish it feels like a healthy sign that they're trying to broaden their horizons.

One thing I've learned since getting an iPad is that kids freaking love playing with tablets. I haven't had a chance to put my hands on a Wii U controller yet, so I can't speak for its quality, but I hope they made sure that the overall experience is at least comparable to the iPad. I can definitely imagine the Wii U being a smash hit with kids the same way that the Wii was. Although, if Apple does decide to release a smaller, cheaper iPad this Christmas, I'm a little apprehensive that it will steal the Wii U's thunder.

I hope they keep Gamecube controller ports on this thing. I'm not exactly thrilled with the other controller options, although I'm sure the average person off the street would feel more comfortable with either the tablet or Wii remote controller.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:40 pm
by FlashTHD
Crisis wrote:I hope they keep Gamecube controller ports on this thing. I'm not exactly thrilled with the other controller options, although I'm sure the average person off the street would feel more comfortable with either the tablet or Wii remote controller.
Not happening. It annoys me too (I don't care for the stick placement on the new pad), but i'm not sure if they're even still making Wiis with those controller ports.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:18 pm
by Crisis
FlashTHD wrote:Not happening. It annoys me too (I don't care for the stick placement on the new pad), but i'm not sure if they're even still making Wiis with those controller ports.
Ah well. It's a shame, but I guess it was inevitable.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:10 pm
by James McGeachie
I like how the "deluxe", top of the range model has 32GB of storage space. They really don't understand the storage requirements of modern gaming, especially with the increasing focus on DLC.

Currently I only own an old Xbox 360 Premium with a 20GB hard drive. It's almost entirely filled with Mass Effect trilogy DLC alone.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:35 pm
by FlashTHD
You can use SD cards and external hard drives with this thing, you know.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 1:41 pm
by G.Silver
I'm out of touch with how consoles support that sort of thing. Do you have to swap your files around whenever you want to play, or will it read right off the drives and cards?

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:52 pm
by Crisis
I think they made the right choice with onboard flash memory, but I feel like Nintendo is missing a trick here, as I'm sure there are people who would pay extra for a model with 64 gigs.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:19 pm
by Esrever
I read an interview with Reggie recently (somewhere) where he basically said with external memory prices plummeting and capacities skyrocketing so rapidly, it makes no sense to tie console models and prices to packed-in hard drive sizes anymore. And it's true. The premium Microsoft charges for their larger hard drive models were always unfairly skewed, but now that you can easily buy a +1TB external drive for under a hundred dollars, they're out-and-out gouging. And in less than a year even that 1TB drive will seem overpriced.

It is definitely time for console manufacturers to get out of the memory business and just let people use their regular hard drives, thumb drives and SD cards. I'd never have expected to see Nintendo leading the charge on that sentiment, though.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:07 pm
by Crisis
The onboard flash is going to be much faster than any external hard drive option, though. It might not make enough difference to justify the price for most people, but I'm sure there's a hardcore fanbase that's willing to pay for it.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:53 am
by j-man
I don't know what any of that means. When's the next Zelda game coming out?

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:17 am
by Neo
Probably 2014, maybe holiday 2013, but for the 3DS either way.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:56 am
by Dash
I got to try out the Wii U at the Experience event in Seattle! Playing the musically timed Co-op in Rayman Legends was enough to sell me, and indeed, the launch (window) line-up is right up my alley when it comes to the types of games I like to play. I actually got to play about everything but Nintendo Land, and I was happy with what I saw. Contrary to what the majority of the internet seems to think, I'm betting Nintendo Land will be a really fun package. Shame that Game & Wario won't be there at launch though.

In light of Jet Set Radio HD... wouldn't a Jet Set Radio revival for Wii U just be perfect? Maybe even by Platinum games? There I go again, suggesting cool things that will never happen.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 10:42 am
by James McGeachie
Esrever wrote:It is definitely time for console manufacturers to get out of the memory business and just let people use their regular hard drives, thumb drives and SD cards. I'd never have expected to see Nintendo leading the charge on that sentiment, though.
Are there any good reasons not to at least sell one version of your console that safely meets the storage demands of the status quo? As in, enough to have a fairly large number of demos, downloadable games, DLC, installations of game discs and so on.

I think there are a decent number of people out there who want to buy a self-contained package and don't want to really have to deal with external storage themselves. I'm not suggesting Nintendo have to cater to every lazy gamer, but providing obviously appealing options would be nice.

It wont surprise me at all if Nintendo has strict limitations on exactly how external storage is used that makes it more irritating than it should be. I don't think "leading the charge" on independent storage management is Nintendo's goal. I would think it's predominantly profit driven.

As this the first time they've even offered 2 console SKU's with different amounts of storage (I think?) I would expect eventually they'll release one with like 64GB or 128GB, but at a stupid point down the line where people have been calling out for it for ages, due to whatever shortcomings it ends up that external storage has. Shortcomings which will probably deliberately be perpetuated by Nintendo to create this demand down the line.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 4:52 am
by Crisis
James McGeachie wrote:I think there are a decent number of people out there who want to buy a self-contained package and don't want to really have to deal with external storage themselves.
Yeah, this too. Most people don't want to deal with bulky external hard drives in their living room, or swapping around SD cards that have a habit of breaking. There's also no obvious way to back anything up, which seems like an oversight.

Another issue is going to be for developers. While external storage sounds like a great idea in theory - every console has potentially limitless storage space! - in practice developers have to work under the assumption that all their customers are using the bare minimum system specs. 8GB is too small for any kind of serious DLC, especially in 1080p.

Plus, it's not like flash memory is that expensive. A 16GB base model would not have cost Nintendo the earth. If they had 16/32/64GB models, they could probably make up the cost for the extra 8GB on the base model by expanding the margins on the 64GB one. It seems like a bit of a wasted opportunity.

Anyway, I'm glad that Nintendo got the important things right (flash storage + expandable storage options). My only quibble is with the details, which I'm sure will be improved over time.

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:43 pm
by Arcade
To be honest, I haven't played my Wii in months, and I got a PS3, that aftes NINE months, is still in the box. I might get a 3ds as soon as the 3DS animal crossing is released in English. So yeah, I don't care much about the Wii U... I mostly play my old DS nowadays...

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:21 am
by Crisis
Iwata did an interview/teardown with the Wii U hardware team.

Overall I was impressed. I agree with pretty much all the design decisions they discussed, including holding off releasing an HD console until this year. Their refined, conservative approach to hardware is a stark contrast to the other home consoles (and to the 3DS, for that matter). I now feel much more optimistic!

Sounds like the controller is a hit with the kids, too.

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:33 am
by Isuka
Crisis wrote:The onboard flash is going to be much faster than any external hard drive option, though.
Are there external SSD units? Seems like those are a whole lot like flash memory. The internal ones seem to improve PlayStation 3 performance dramatically in some cases: ... erformance


Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 1:37 am
by Crisis
Isuka wrote:
Crisis wrote:The onboard flash is going to be much faster than any external hard drive option, though.
Are there external SSD units? Seems like those are a whole lot like flash memory. The internal ones seem to improve PlayStation 3 performance dramatically in some cases: ... erformance
There are, but the limiting factor is the connection. The Wii U only has USB 2.0 ports, which limits the theoretical data transfer speed to about 35 MB/s (according to Wikipedia). For comparison, I think SSDs these days will vary between around 250-600MB/s.

They could add USB 3.0 in future versions of the hardware, which would be a big improvement and potentially make external SSDs worthwhile. But for now you might as well just use a 5400-rpm hard drive. (Or a USB stick if you don't like large heavy noisy objects, although obviously there will be less space.)

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:36 pm
by Yami CJMErl
[thought this was important, just not enough for its' own thread, so WELP]

So there was a new Nintendo Direct earlier today, with a focus on Wii U. And there was a LOT of stuff to announce.

> Wii U system updates in Spring and Summer to combat slow game/menu loading times
> Wii U Virtual Console launches with Spring Update; not the full lineup from the Wii VC, but a buck or a buck-fifty will "upgrade" already purchased and available VC titles with full save state, Off-TV gameplay and Miiverse functionality
> GBA titles to be included
> Miiverse will branch out to smartphones; first as a broswer-based tool, then as a full app
> new trailer for The Wonderful 101
> new teaser trailer for Bayonetta 2
> new 3D Mario and Mario Kart games, playable at E3
> first Smash Bros. WiiU/3DS screens available at E3
> new Zelda game in development
> Wind Waker HD remake (!)
> new Epic Yarn game starring Yoshi (!)
> new MonolithSoft game, looks like a Monster Hunter-esque Xenoblade style game
> Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (!!!) crossover game in development; Nintendo looking to do more collaboration titles to facilitate game development

Re: Wii U Launch

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 6:40 pm
Yami CJMErl wrote: > Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem (!!!)
I was thinking, just the other day, how neat a Castlevania-SMT crossover would be considering the general tone and focus of public domain monsters. I only ever played a few chapters in the first (here) Fire Emblem and all I can remember is that it had Pegasus(i/es?).

As for Wind Waker HD, it's neat but there're some visual incongruities I can't quite elucidate. Sort of like Sonic Adventure DX, where the higher poly playable characters clashed with everything carried over from the original.

I haven't played Kirby's Epic Yarn (or home console platformer for the past half-decade, because fate like me when I have no money), but this is surely something, especially if it's more ISLAND (sans DS) and less STORY. though, it seem like Nintendo just got it through its fucking collective head that everyone prefers island, and the arts-&-crafts aesthetic COMES BACK OH YAY.