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Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:20 am
by Green Gibbon!
So I'm wondering - and this is purely out of the blue, mind, not prompted by any actual recent events or anything - but I'm wondering if any of you guys has ever had a hole in your wall? That you put there? With your fist? Twice? So like, two fist holes in different walls. Again mind, this is totally just for the sake of conversation.

And if so, how much did it cost to have it fixed?

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:59 am
by Protodude
You are not Ryo Hazuki. You will never be Ryo Hazuki. The sooner you accept this, the quicker we can start the healing process.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:30 am
by Crisis
Someone punched in my closet door with their left hand (I know because there is a massive hand mark on it). It happened before I moved in. I'm getting it fixed for free!

They also broke my radiator. And most of the lights. And the lock to the flat. It wasn't a happy move-in day, basically.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:31 am
by Locit
I once got pissed off enough to fling my door into the plaster so that the doorknob made a pretty good dent, but this was a few years back and I left the apartment without anyone noticing.


Anyway, since you're in Japan, I'm sure it will cost you twice whatever you might pay in the U.S., only they'll do a much better job.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 11:42 am
by Delphine
Get someone to fix it? Don't they have Home Depot-esque stores over there?

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:30 pm
by K2J
I'm assuming nobody would have time to fix their own house due to their sustained 60-hour work weeks.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:03 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
When I was a kid, me and my brother thought it was cool to try to climb to the ceiling in our hallway by placing our hands and feet on opposite walls. The higher than average pressure caused holes in the drywall, which only made the climb easier.

I also rammed my head into the wall at the end of the hallway once... while pretending to be a bull or ram chasing after my brother. It left a much bigger hole than those from climbing.

I have no idea how much it would cost to fix them. My parents have always been amazingly frugal and it only took a couple years before they fixed the holes. So it'd probably run you around US$150... I'd guess. At most. Though it might be more in grolious Nippon.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:15 pm
by (No Imagination)
All my personal walls are thankfully quite concrete, but that window has been in need of fixing for a while now. It's a two-panel glass and there are dead insects piling up between the two panels so I really ought to get around replacing the glass, 'cept according to my calculations it's gonna cost about 700€ total, so ... all it gets is cello tape at the moment.

There was a hole-punched wardrobe at one point in my life, though. Does that count?

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:21 pm
by Green Gibbon!
You are not Ryo Hazuki. You will never be Ryo Hazuki. The sooner you accept this, the quicker we can start the healing process.
I see.

The main problem is that there's this kind of thick wallpaper over it. I doubt I can find the same thing, so even if I could fix it myself, the landlords would still know and I'd still be in trouble... I keep trying to think of some way I can blame it on the earthquake. There's like 6 big cracks in the wall since then, so I guess they'd have to fix alot of it anyway...

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:43 pm
by Delphine
Green Gibbon! wrote:I keep trying to think of some way I can blame it on the earthquake.
"Look, guys, the earth was REALLY FUCKING ANGRY and I guess it was my fault? Anyway I didn't do it."

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 11:31 am
by Zeta
Here I was thinking that plaster might have been cockney rhyming slang.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 12:47 pm
by Locit
Green Gibbon! wrote:
I see.

I just wanted to make sure this got the appreciation it deserved.
The main problem is that there's this kind of thick wallpaper over it. I doubt I can find the same thing, so even if I could fix it myself, the landlords would still know and I'd still be in trouble... I keep trying to think of some way I can blame it on the earthquake. There's like 6 big cracks in the wall since then, so I guess they'd have to fix alot of it anyway...
You could widen/lengthen the small holes into larger cracks, but that could backfire pretty easily. So, obviously, you should do it. Wacky hijinks, man! Maybe it'll give you a good reason to meet that cute girl in the apron who just started managing the place. But you'd probably have to pass the college entrance exam to have any chance with her...

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 2:17 pm
by Neo
Locit wrote:I just wanted to make sure this got the appreciation it deserved.
Personally, to me it isn't the same without a soft chime followed by the X button being highlighted. But this isn't the first time my obsession over petty things ruins a perfectly good joke.

Re: Smarmy plaster had it coming

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:03 pm
by Blount
When I was a kid, one of my classmates accidentally hit his head against a door at school. After he started crying like a pussy, one of my other classmates came in, told him to man up, and then smashed a hole on the door with his own head. He smashed a hole with his head. The door wasn't in very good shape to begin with, but it was still pretty crazy.

Have you ever noticed how certain words seem to lose their meaning when you think about them too much? Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy!