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Spider-Man 3 friday

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 5:15 pm
by cjmcray
Early screenings Thursday at midnight.

i'm debating whether or not to go on Thursday, or to wait a few weeks til the crowds die down. I don't want to listen to a bunch of people talking and kids crying when I see it.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:07 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
I was actually thinking the same thing. Might go on Friday.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:16 pm
by Shadow Hog
Probably attempt a viewing on Friday, after class (because I have a test that day, making any midnight showings impractical).

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:18 pm
by Light Speed
I am done with finals in a measly 12 hours, bitches! I got some tickets to see it in the IMAX already, the local theater that has an IMAX has assigned seating now. It's kinda lame, but since we bought them last week we got some good ones locked in. I have no idea if it's gonna be good or not though.

Kinda strange to make a topic about something thats still 4 days away.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:23 am
by Dasher
I saw Spiderman 2 the first days and some ladies on the back of my seat kept talking and talking. And on the part where Spiderman is carried by the people on the train, those hags started laughing...laughing! on the best scene of the movie! I wanted to make some heads roll that day. >_< atleast I concentrated enjoyed it. And atleast it was better than when I watch the first one, where I had a major toothache while watching it! NOW THAT SUCKED!

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 9:43 am
by Zeta
I thought that was the goofiest scene in the movie, honestly, and too much of a take on the scene from the climax of Spiderman 1 where Average Joe New Yorkers beat Green Goblin with liquor bottles.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:36 am
by Majestic Joey
how could anyone like that scene where he is getting caried by the people on the train? I loved that movie but when I saw that seen I just shook my head.

I also don't plan on seeing spiderman 3 until I see hot fuzz. I hope to see both next week though.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 10:42 am
by DackAttac
My finals don't end in time, and by the time I get back home, everyone I know will have already seen it, forcing me to see it alone or wait for DVD.

Woe is me.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:11 am
by Yami CJMErl
I'd go and see it on Friday, but school + no money = :(, so I'll probably wait until Tuesday.

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 5:03 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
haha I've been out of school since Friday! But all of my friends want to see it at the busiest time possible.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:51 pm
by Esrever
Are any of you guys excited about the Spider-man 3 Wii game?

At first I just assumed it was going to be a stripped-down port of the PS3/360 version with some awful tacked-on motion controls... but the web-slinging system described in the hands-on previews that have just come out in various places sounds really interesting.

Basically, while in midair you fire a webline by flicking either the nunchuk or the wii remote. But it doesn't just use this flicking as a direct substitute for a button push like I thought it would. It actually reads the speed and direction that you flick, and then fires the web accordingly.

So now, for the first time ever, you can control the actual directions that you fire your left and right webline. (In the past, your webs have just automatically homed on the nearest building to your left or right.) While you're swinging forward on your left line, you could flick your right line forward, or to the right, or to the left, or behind you. You could even fire both webs at the same time, in completely different directions. And you can control when you hold on or let go of webs as well, using the triggers.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that sounds incredibly awesome. And most of the previews have painted a positive picture of the accuracy of the gesture capturing, too. If this works, it might be one of the first examples of the Wii controls being used to do something that's actually impossible on a regular controller.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 3:53 pm
by OSM
I'm seeing it. I'm a huge Spidey fan. Seeing Venom on the bigscreen is gonna kick ass.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 7:37 pm
by Locit
The game could be fun, and I love Venom, but I wasn't even aware it was dropping this Friday until I read this thread.


Before you go see Spiderman 3 check out Hot Fuzz. That's not a suggestion, it's an order. If you like action movies of any type at all in any way whatsoever, it is the movie for you. If you like comedies of any type at all in any way whatsoever, it is the movie for you. I actually laughed for the last third of the movie. All of it.

In summary, Hot Fuzz is everything that is right with this world. See it now or lament forever letting the finest action movie to come out in years pass you by.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:06 pm
by Esrever
It's true. I saw Hot Fuzz last weekend and it kicked my ass.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:39 pm
by Segaholic2
Pft. Next time just come by and I'll kick your ass for you.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:04 pm
by Yami CJMErl
Esrever wrote:Are any of you guys excited about the Spider-man 3 Wii game?

At first I just assumed it was going to be a stripped-down port of the PS3/360 version with some awful tacked-on motion controls... but the web-slinging system described in the hands-on previews that have just come out in various places sounds really interesting.

Basically, while in midair you fire a webline by flicking either the nunchuk or the wii remote. But it doesn't just use this flicking as a direct substitute for a button push like I thought it would. It actually reads the speed and direction that you flick, and then fires the web accordingly.

So now, for the first time ever, you can control the actual directions that you fire your left and right webline. (In the past, your webs have just automatically homed on the nearest building to your left or right.) While you're swinging forward on your left line, you could flick your right line forward, or to the right, or to the left, or behind you. You could even fire both webs at the same time, in completely different directions. And you can control when you hold on or let go of webs as well, using the triggers.

Maybe it's just me, but I think that sounds incredibly awesome. And most of the previews have painted a positive picture of the accuracy of the gesture capturing, too. If this works, it might be one of the first examples of the Wii controls being used to do something that's actually impossible on a regular controller.
You forgot that the Wii version is the only one that lets you switch between the regular and symbiote suits at will--all the other next-gen versions are scripted suit changes.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:31 pm
by Zeta
Plus two extra bosses in the Wii version. So far the only thing I've heard that the PS3 version has over the Wii are better graphics and playable Harry Osborn.

Why the fuck would you want to play as Harry Osborne?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:24 pm
by Crazy Penguin
The Amazing Spider-Man Omnibus vol 1 is out. It contains all of Steve Ditko's Spider-Man comics, fully restored, in one big hardcover. Hopefully I should be getting mine this week.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 3:42 pm
by Light Speed
I have a feeling the Wii controls will result in you swinging into lots of buildings until you get the hang of it.

In other news I saw Hot Fuzz yesterday and back up everything all those guys said.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:15 pm
by Esrever
It's startling that those old Ditko Spidey's hold up as well as they do.

And MAN, I know Peter Parker has always traditionally had a lot of problems, it's unbelievable how shitty he has it in the original comics. Spider-man #1 contains two stories, and both of them end with him getting totally fucked over. And there is absolutely no silver lining at all, either. It's not even played for laughs. He just starts the issue bad and ends it even worse. It's kind of depressing!

I think the Wii webslinging will definitely be harder to get the hang of, but assuming it actually captures your movements accurately, it could be a lot more robust and a lot more satisfying. I was replaying Spider-man 2 the other day, and you know, even though the webslinging in that game is pretty slick it is kind of annoying how you can't control where the webs go or which hand you use. It just feels like so much of it is out of your control.

I've wished for a game where you can actually control the directions of both weblines yourself for AGES. I really hope the Wii version will be it.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 4:47 pm
by Zeta
And MAN, I know Peter Parker has always traditionally had a lot of problems, it's unbelievable how shitty he has it in the original comics. Spider-man #1 contains two stories, and both of them end with him getting totally fucked over. And there is absolutely no silver lining at all, either. It's not even played for laughs. He just starts the issue bad and ends it even worse. It's kind of depressing!
Yes, in the remakes series for kids (Marvel Legends or something?) they actually changed the ending to most of his stories to make them less depressing.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:14 pm
by Yami CJMErl
Zeta wrote:Plus two extra bosses in the Wii version. So far the only thing I've heard that the PS3 version has over the Wii are better graphics and playable Harry Osborn.

Why the fuck would you want to play as Harry Osborne?
Well, I had fun playing as Green Goblin in the original movie game on GCN...

My only real disappointment with the Spider-Man 3 juggernaut is how Harry totally gets the short end of the bad guy stick. Not only does he look like some weak-ass sci-fi Al-Quaida(sp?) reject on a jumped-up BttF2 hoverboard (especially when compared to Daddy Goblin), but he totally gets pwn'd by way of pumpkin bomb IN THE FACE.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:22 pm
by Dasher
Hopefully you know who is playable also as a hidden character like MJ and Shocker were in part 1.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:58 pm
by Senbei
I actually forfeited the midnight showing of Spidey to see Hot Fuzz. The only problem I had with the film is the same I had with Shaun of the Dead, which is that the movie is obviously split into two different thematic sections. In this case, the first section -- which doesn't have a shitload of gunfire and unnecessary explosions -- goes on for too long. It was still very funny and awesome in its own way, though, so it really isn't a big deal.

The best part of the whole movie was when he kicked the old lady in the face.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 5:05 am
by Pepperidge
So I caught the midnight premiere of Spider-Man 3 just a few hours ago. Based on everything I had seen and heard up until that point, I was very anxious right up until I was sitting in the theatre about exactly what type of movie this was going to be. Ultimately, it turned out to be the type of movie that made me want to jump on the internet and start writing things.

If this makes you apprehensive, don't get too worried. The movie is mostly good. Just make sure you lower your expectations before plunking down your cash. Lower them significantly. Many aspects of the film, I thought, were absolutely excellent, and most of these came together in a way that I would consider satisfactory. The film definitely manages to hit its element. Unfortunately it has to do so several times, since every good streak is ultimately dragged down by some horribly out-of-place nugget of narrative incompetence. And for the sake of encouraging a much more objective (and hopefully more enjoyable) viewing experience, I will warn you right now that almost all of these scenes involve Harry Osbourne.

Out of everything in this movie, his subplot is the only thing that I could say really goes "wrong". Why this happened, I can't understand. The comics provided first rate material that could be worked off of and easily compressed into cinematic enjoyment, and all of this is ignored. Instead, we get a bout of amnesia that carries good intentions on a narrative level but proves ultimately pointless, an insipid game of cat-and-mouse which reflects depressingly small ambitions, and a barely passable reconciliation. There is one good confrontation involving Harry. Or rather, a confrontation that becomes good. So again, "mostly good" would be a better term for it. It isn't anywhere near as huge a let down as the pathetic resolution to the Phoenix thing from the X-Men series. But with the results we got after two films of build-up, I almost wish it could've been as pointless. The fact that Harry's portrayal in SM3 was conceived by all three of the people who laid the seeds for his development previous films shows that overarching plot elements just don't work in superhero films.

The character of Eddie Brock, in contrast, was excellent. I loved every second Topher was on screen, and I know this because I could almost count them. Likewise, the scenes with Peter in the black suit proved to be the most enjoyable part of the movie. You wouldn't think that playing it for laughs would prove effective, but it really really did. Tobey Maguire really plays the part better when you don't have to take him seriously. Naturally, neither of these elements were given enough focus. When the two forces that would eventually create Venom were in desperate need of screen time, we instead got scene after scene of the seemingly-endless Harry-Peter-MJ entanglement. I mean, after the way these relationships have developed over two films, can anything but monotony and repetition really be expected?

In rationalizing the movie, I felt I should compare it to the Alien Costume Saga from the 90s animated series, which I consider to be the best interpretation of the Venom story to date. That version had Venom take out the "filler" bad guys from the previous two episodes like a true badass. This version had Venom (who is never actually identified as "Venom") conveniently team-up with the bad guy who would've been best left as "filler" for the first half of the film. That's a mark off, but it was made up for with a slightly more likable portrayal of Eddie in the movie. Likewise, the cartoon was riddled with a retarded subplot surrounding some plot device of a rock called "Promethium X". This version is riddled with a retarded subplot surrounding some plot device of a rock called "Harry Osbourne". I'd say that's about even.

So basically...

+ Excellent visuals and actions, if not a bit contrived at times.
+ The portrayal of Spidey and the black suit. I know everyone was terrified when those first photos of "Emo Peter" showed up, but thankfully this was played entirely for laughs. All of these scenes were hilarious, and just effective enough to demonstrate the effects of the suit.
+ Topher Grace as Eddie Brock/Venom. Only complaint was that he didn't use the term "we". Come on, even Doc Ock used "we"!
+ The retcon of Sandman killing Uncle Ben doesn't turn out to be that significant of a change at all.
+ Way more screen time for Betty Brandt! Seriously, seeing dark Spidey shamelessly progress their relationship beyond vague flirtation almost made the movie for me.

- Harry Osbourne. Almost every excruciating, audience-insulting moment he was on screen.
- Unnecessarily long build up to the black suit.
- While I wasn't aggravated by his presence as much as one of my friends was, Sandman was really unnecessary. Clearly nothing more than a ploy to appease old-school fans. His exit was also very gay.

In short, Popcorn is going to hate this movie. But don't let that get you down too much. The movie's bad moments are not even close to the franchise-destroying atrocities that the X-Men series has run into. But please Sony, just one villain next time.