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Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:21 am
by Zeta
It tried to be artsy, but it failed miserable. Jack himself is the most boring character ever created. He's about as bland as white bread. We never question if he will fail, and all character faults were permanently extinguished from his being in the 3rd episode. And seeing as how he was really the only character in the ENTIRE SERIES, with all other supporting characters be no-named oneshots, and Aku never appearing enough, the show just seemed like the creators masturbating themselves while they showed off AWESOME ANIMATING SKILLZORZ that were ultimately wasted on a product that had no substance or no real interesting stories to tell.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:25 am
by Tsuyoshi-kun
It also has the worst music I've ever heard in a cartoon in the last several years. Pure synthesizer hell. I don't know how in the world Samurai Jack ran for 52 episodes, but I wish people would stop claiming it as some sort of mecca of cartoons, because it wasn't.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:33 am
by Senbei
the show just seemed like the creators masturbating themselves while they showed off AWESOME ANIMATING SKILLZORZ that were ultimately wasted on a product that had no substance or no real interesting stories to tell.
That's all it is, as far as I can tell. It's made more for the creators than for the audience. The idea is that anything goes in Samurai Jack's world -- robots, vikings, gangsters, whatever -- so the creators can have as much fun and go as over the top as they want. Even if it's not that appealing to the viewers, it's a lot of fun to be creating the show.

I've only seen the first season, but I definitely enjoyed it and I can resonate with the creators' sense of fun. The first three episodes were pretty boring, but each successive episode got better and better. It's certainly overrated, but just as certainly worth watching.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:04 pm
by gr4yJ4Y
I've never sat down and watched the episodes back to back expecting an epic story. But I have watched it on the occation that it's the show I land on while flipping through channels. And as it was it was enjoyable.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:31 pm
by Baba O'Reily
Speaking of awesome things, you should all watch the 8 minute short Adventure Time.

Quirky in a unique sort of way.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:41 pm
by Rob-Bert
I've seen that. It ruled, plain and simple.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:42 pm
by Ritz
"Ben, your mind has been transported back in time... And to Mars! But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you've got to believe in yourself!"

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:57 pm
by cjmcray
Tsuyoshi-kun wrote:Samurai Jack ran for 52 episodes, but I wish people would stop claiming it as some sort of mecca of cartoons, because it wasn't.
I love you.

You're the first person i've come across on the interwebs to think that.
I feel the same.

Samurai Jack was a very average show, with really bad animation in most of its episodes. Occasionally, there'd be a really cool episode, but as a whole it was just average. and i despised the animation in most of the episodes.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:11 pm
by Baba O'Reily
"Look, ninjas are stealing that old man's diamonds!"

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:42 pm
by Locit
"Gimme back by diamonds!"

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:14 pm
by Senbei
Having Youtube'd Adventure Time... isn't Jake voiced by the John DiMaggio most famous for playing Bender?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:17 pm
by Zeta

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:21 pm
by G.Silver

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 11:18 pm
by Baba O'Reily

"My... hat... is... AWESOME!"

"How old are you?"
"I'm 12."
"And I'm 28!"

I could actually do the entire episode line for line, but nobody wants to hear that.

And I was flipping out when I heard John DiMaggio.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:56 am
by Sniffnoy
G.Silver wrote:"ALGEBRAIC!"
...but wouldn't it be cooler if it were transcendental?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:43 am
by Opa-Opa
"I downloaded this little dance!"

Speaking of cool animations. Check this out, this is what evet flash animation should look like:

It's actually part of a long story, and I highly recommend you see the rest.

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:21 am
by MiraiTails
That cartoon is awesome on 42 levels. The part when they're falling down the hill, just before the penguins appear, reminds me of the similar scene in the Sonic OVA. It's probably just a coincidence, but it would be cool if it wasn't.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:19 am
by Frieza2000
Zeta wrote:See, now the Esurance commercials rock, and I would love to see them be turned into a animated series.

Only you know, without the car insurance stuff.
It looks like they're catching on. Last night I saw the newest commercial. It's a full 2 minutes and 20 seconds, complete with a plot, some slightly more detailed characterization of Erin and that guy (I think his name is Agent White), and it doesn't mention car insurance at all, except for the end when the villain says something like "to watch the ending log onto Oh, and I hear you can also get car insurance there or something."

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:58 pm
by Arcade
So, the same guys who loved the idea behing the sneaky king videogame dont like the idea of a burger king movie?