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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:06 pm
by Segaholic2
That happened a long time ago. Keep up, old man.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:12 pm
by Isuka
There were even less really important games for the CPS-3 than there were for the ST-V (though we owe to it the classical "MUDADAH/ ZA WARUDO!/ WRYYYYYY" meme), I'm somewhat impressed that its emulation is finally completed before that of Sega Titan's.
Is there a particularly good place to go look for the games' ISOs?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:38 pm
by Green Gibbon!
I think they have some at in the MAME hard disks directory.

There were very few games for the CPS3, only 6 or 7 and that includes all 3 versions of Street Fighter 3. I've never even played Warzard - does that run yet?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:39 pm
by Shadow Hog
AFAIK, yes.

But yeah, this is really old news. I've been playing <i>Third Strike</i> on my laptop the whole semester, man. And I still can't beat Gill.
There were even less really important games for the CPS-3 than there were for the ST-V
Only two that immediately come to mind are <i>Baku Baku Animal</i> and <i>Radiant Silvergun</i>, the former not being all that important (but it was awesome, so there) and the latter being probably the best shooter nobody played; care to name any more?

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:19 pm
by Green Gibbon!
There was Virtua Fighter Kids, Die Hard Arcade, Groove On Fight, Puyo Puyo Sun, and a couple of Cotton games. There might be a couple of others that are halfway decent.
But yeah, this is really old news.
Then why the heck hasn't there been a friggin' thread about it?! This is highly relevant!

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:57 pm
by Isuka
<i>Astra Super Stars</i>, <i>Dynamite Deka</i> and <i>Soukyuugurentai</i> come to mind too.
I think an emulation thread in general would be quite interesting.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 9:08 pm
by Green Gibbon!
Die Hard Arcade is Dynamite Deka.

Is Astra Superstars very good? I only played it a bit on MAME and I didn't like it, but it runs extremely slow so that's not a fair judgment.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:25 pm
by Isuka
Wow, does this get any better?

And I totally missed DHA in your previous post Gibb, that's what I get for posting hastily.
I'm not sure if Astra's particularly good, but at least it was somewhat original back then.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 7:32 pm
by Isuka
Well, it doesn't look that bad in motion after all.
Needs more frames, lotsa more of course.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:48 pm
by Mep
I still can't get used to those character designs, their like constipated wrestlers or something.

They also have the full show on, where they talk more about the new "Revenge" system. Its basically a bar that builds up separately from the super guage that allows you to cancel and do extra super moves. While I like the idea of huge cancel combos and juggling, thats kind of what I have Guilty Gear for. Plus, no more parry system.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 1:29 pm
by Double-S-
The animation looks far too clunky and basically like crap.

Juggles make for terrible fighting games, let's just hope the use of a meter limits their use.

The pause when anyone gets hit will make it way too easy to hit-confirm anything.

The "revenge" moves basically take wakeup games out the window, especially toward the end of the round. What kind of mind games are there when you've got invincibility?

Also, hopefully that super invincible revenge move that takes 3/4 of the meter is slow enough to have little to no use at high level.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:05 pm
by G.Silver
It looks awesome to me, and from the screens, I really didn't expect that. It looks like Street Fighter, but vibrant in a way that a purely 2D game could never be. I want to play it.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:24 pm
by Esrever
If the gameplay is still entirely 2D, I don't really see the point in making the game 3D at all. All that is added by a moving, cinematic camera is confusion and imprecision!

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:35 pm
by Isuka
I've not seen any high def video yet, but I get this impression that the game could very well be adapted to the Wii, I don't see anything particularly "next-genny" about it other than those effects for the hadoukens and shoryuukens.

Though maybe they really do strive for a fuckillion fps with that.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 8:33 pm
by Shadow Hog
Esrever wrote:If the gameplay is still entirely 2D, I don't really see the point in making the game 3D at all. All that is added by a moving, cinematic camera is confusion and imprecision!
As I recall, 3D games are cheaper to develop than 2D ones, especially ones as fluid as Street Fighter 3 (which you KNOW SF4 would have to top; it set a really damn high standard). So, that's pretty much the only real reason it's 2.5D - money.
Isuka wrote:I've not seen any high def video yet, but I get this impression that the game could very well be adapted to the Wii, I don't see anything particularly "next-genny" about it other than those effects for the hadoukens and shoryuukens.

Though maybe they really do strive for a fuckillion fps with that.
And I recall hearing in some interview that they weren't ruling ANY current console out at this point... even the DS. If the DS is a contender, then there's no reason the Wii can't be.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 11:00 pm
by Ngangbius
Seeing that this is Capcom, I expect this title to be released in every living gaming-able machine under the sun. That includes cellphones.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:24 pm
by Yami CJMErl
Ngangbius wrote:Seeing that this is Capcom, I expect this title to be released in every living gaming-able machine under the sun. That includes cellphones.
Don't forget revising and re-releasing this a bajillion times before SFV is announced in 2015.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:38 am
by Shadow Hog
You're gonna get schooled

Seriously, she looks like a teacher. A teacher that can fight on the level of Chun-Li...? Well, that's new ground for Street Fighter, at least.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 2:16 pm
by Locit
She looks a bit like a KoF reject.

Also, which schools did you attend?

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:59 pm
by Yami CJMErl
I'm just curious as to why Capcom decided to start SFIV in ARCADES.

I mean, okay, the series as a whole got its' start in the arcades, but do they realize such a move will mean that Japan will be playing the game for God-knows-HOW-long before we Amerifags (and other countries) get a console version?

Does anyone in the States / Europe even LIVE near an arcade? :confused:

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:04 pm
by RocketPunch

I can't really form an opinion on her design. The character designs in SFII are so simple and generalized, that almost any cast member that doesn't fit a certain stereotype or "image" sticks out like a sore thumb. As far as design goes, you've got the prototypical fighter, Ryu, the prototypical American soldier, Guile, the prototypical sumo wrestler, E. Honda, and the list goes on. There's nothing to really go on with her though... She's like part schoolteacher, part Jerry curl, part assassin, part Fergie Ferg. It's really the simplicity in design that makes the SF characters so iconic, and she missed that mark.

Should be interesting to see what other directions they go with new characters for this game. Even if she doesn't look that Street Fightery, I still kind of like her.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:59 pm
by Isuka
You...... you kiddin' me? Crimson FUCKING Viper?!
What's this, Street Fighter Maximum Impact 2K8, "Crimson Saga"?!?!

OK, I'm outta here, this time for good. Last one turns off the lights.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:53 pm
by Mep

Project Justice was pretty awesome. All those team attack specials and air combos, one of the DC fighting games I played for hours.

Anyways, I don't like her. She feels out of place, especially since they're supposedly trying for a retro Street Fighter feel. It doesn't matter how masculine they make the chick, needs that simplicity and all that.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:35 am
by RocketPunch
I could never find Project Justice. My CapcomxDreamcast experience was limited to Tech Romancer and Power Stone, both equally fucking awesome. But in the Capcom art book I have </nerd>, the characters on PJ's spread look like some of Capcom's most random ever, which works for me.

Re: Illegal urban sport

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 10:59 am
by Majestic Joey
street needs more simple stereotypical fighters. I mean we got an indian stretchy guy, a american indian guy, a sumo. what I want is a eskimo fighter. he should wear a coat and carry fish and be named Nanook.