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by Jingles
Fri May 26, 2017 2:52 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Just sitting here wasting our precious time
Replies: 16
Views: 13343

Re: Just sitting here wasting our precious time

Green Gibbon! wrote:Tired of forming original or educated thoughts? Come to the GHZ Forum, where one word says it all:

by Neo
Fri May 26, 2017 2:23 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Just sitting here wasting our precious time
Replies: 16
Views: 13343

Re: Just sitting here wasting our precious time

G.Silver wrote:I wonder what else is in that folder?

Oh, all sorts of things.
by G.Silver
Thu May 25, 2017 6:53 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Just sitting here wasting our precious time
Replies: 16
Views: 13343

Re: Just sitting here wasting our precious time

Here I thought maybe you'd just saved one. I didn't think they'd all be right there!


I wonder what else is in that folder?
by Neo
Fri May 19, 2017 2:24 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Just sitting here wasting our precious time
Replies: 16
Views: 13343

Re: Just sitting here wasting our precious time


Never forget
by Neo
Sun Jul 22, 2012 2:40 pm
Forum: Site Updates
Topic: There's a front page??
Replies: 8
Views: 40620

Re: There's a front page??

by Green Gibbon!
Fri May 04, 2012 9:48 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats
Replies: 45
Views: 56715

Re: Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats

Perhaps this is a sign to start eating actual food for breakfast.

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!

I never eat cereal for breakfast.
by Green Gibbon!
Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:50 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: I've never seen a less likable group of characters
Replies: 9
Views: 7584

Re: I've never seen a less likable group of characters

I like the idea of a bunch of B-list video game mascots fighting each other.

キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ !!!!!
by Green Gibbon!
Sat Apr 07, 2012 2:01 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats
Replies: 45
Views: 56715

Re: Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats


Peach yogurt flavor. The "yogurt" part is probably a lie. It tastes just like regular artificial peach to me (granted, I don't recall ever having eaten actual peach yogurt).

Yogurt is pretty popular here, not just among health nuts but in general to the point that the rogue "yogurt" suffix is often added to unrelated fruit-flavored sweets. It follows blueberry almost inevitably on everything.
by Green Gibbon!
Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:55 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats
Replies: 45
Views: 56715

Sweet Wheat & Sucrose Oats

Aka Gibbon's Cereal Sticky Thread! :PY: :PY: :PY:


It's always a nice surprise to open up a care package and pull out a box of something I've never heard of.

I'm actually not sure what this is supposed to taste like. "Frosted" as it applies to cereal generally just means "sugared." Of course the entire Whatsis Toast Crunch line is delightfully heavily sweetened, so that couldn't be the distinguishing characteristic. Wendell seems to be enamored with a bowl of what appears to be white cake icing, which is awesome, but what business does it have on toast? I'm kind of amazed this idea passed product approval, though I'm certainly not complaining.

It is allegedly vanilla-flavored, and while it doesn't really taste like vanilla, I am delighted that the time has returned when vanilla is a marketable cereal flavor. This could not have been done in the 90's, otherwise the golden era of sugared cereal. It would had to have been like "Double Chocolate Extreme Marshmallow Butt Fuck Toast Crunch" or something, and Wendell would've been bug-eyed, frothing at the mouth.

ANYWAY. It's basically kind of "Cinnamon Toast Crunch Lite", though it isn't bad. The frosty stuff washes off way too quickly in milk.

I also got a couple boxes of Peanut Butter Cheerios and Dulce-de-Douche Cheerios or something. I have no idea what Dulce-de-whatever is, but the box says it's caramel flavor. According to my mom, my whole family has become obsessed with it, which is unusual since I'm the only cereal freak I think in my whole bloodline. It is pretty awesome.

Now peanut butter I know, and like Fruity Cheerios it's a somewhat more subtle taste than other PB cereals, but still pretty good. I wonder why they marketed it as Multi-Grain Peanut Butter Cheerios rather than simply "Peanut Butter Cheerios"? The box design looks more like something I'd expect to see on Special K or some other woman's cereal. What the hell do women know about peanut butter?

Incidentally, how many flavors does the Cheerios line have right now? Like at least 12? Has there ever been a discontinued Cheerios flavor? Someone at General Mills finally figured out how to market kids cereal to adults - tone down the artificial color and slap "Cheerios" somewhere on the box. They've got Frosted, Chocolate, Fruity, and now Peanut Butter among others - it's a whole product line within a product line.

Of course the bad thing about getting huge care packages full of cereal is that I then spend like a quarter of my weekly food budget just on milk. Shit is expensive here, do Japanese cows lactate less or something?
by Green Gibbon!
Wed Dec 28, 2011 3:51 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Does this make me gay?
Replies: 54
Views: 34156

Does this make me gay?

Early this year, like in January, I attended a kind of formal dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant. It had the strangest food I'd ever seen, much less attempted to eat. The normalest thing on the table was wakame soup, or at least it was the only thing I could positively identify. One thing in particular I remembered was a kind of brainy-looking off-white thing that was solid like pudding, but immediately became fluid and creamy as soon as you poked it with your chopsticks. It had a kind of dill mayonnaisey taste. It was actually not that bad. I asked a couple of people what it was, and they told me the Japanese name, but I didn't recognize it. I assumed it was a kind of roe - you can buy it at any supermarket - but I always meant to look it up and never got around to it.


So just today I discovered that this is "shirako." Milt. Cod semen. Officially the strangest thing I've ever eaten, though if I'd known what it was beforehand, it would not have made it as far as my mouth.

There's some amazing things that pass for food in this country. Of course you can buy canned whale meat in any supermarket (totally illegal in the states) - I actually would like to try that, but not out of a can. Chicken hearts and livers can be bought in the form of cheap yakitori from vendors outside any supermarket. Beef tongue, a "delicacy" I once thought peculiar to south Louisiana, it turns out is very popular here - you can even buy beef tongue flavored Umaibou. Also in January I ate at a restaurant that had "basashi", horsemeat sashimi, on the menu. In old times bear meat was popular game in these parts and you can apparently still find it in some places (I've never seen it, but I know a guy who professes to like it when he can get it). By far and away my favorite delicacy is uni - sea urchin - though that's apparently an acquired taste.

So anyway, I'm wondering what exotic delicacies and nasty bits the GHZ community has collectively sampled. Surely there must be some (possibly unwitting) adventurous palates around here. I wonder if anyone can top fish jizz.
by Green Gibbon!
Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:50 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: A slime has appeared!
Replies: 2
Views: 3450

A slime has appeared!



So Family Mart's selling Slime-shaped nikuman right now. They cost 60 yen more than a normal nikuman and taste about half as good. I'm not sure if it's because the meat is lower quality or if it's just guilt (I feel really bad biting into one of those little guys).

Promotional gummis probably would've been a better idea.
by Green Gibbon!
Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:06 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Archaeology
Replies: 19
Views: 13009


Green Gibbon goes to Game Souko, Part II! (゚∀゚)


When I went last week, I was with a (hot) friend and didn't want to look too irresponsible, so I just grabbed the original model SG-1000 for 8000 yen. (She still laughed at me and called me an otaku, right before going on to spend like 3000 yen on Kamen Rider toys...) I dashed back alone the first opportunity I had (which would be today) to pick up the more expensive second model for 10,000 yen. Both boxes are a bit faded and the original model is missing the manual, but the consoles themselves are like new. First time I've seen either one in the field.


I already had a Mega Drive, but this one has the original 1988 packaging. The console itself must be a few years younger, though, because there's a flyer inside dated June 1992 with ads for the Mega-CD and Wondermega...


As far as PCE hardware goes, this is at the less common end of the "not really rare" group, but it's the first time I've seen one boxed (no picture). There were only like 7 games released specifically for it and 2 of those are also compatible with plain vanilla PCE's, so people who collect retro consoles to actually play the games and not to hoard them in their closet like me aren't too interested in these. More for me, Precious...

They also had a beautiful boxed Master System (Japanese version) going for a whopping 65,000 yen. I can't begin to imagine what would make it worth so much, they're not rare at all. I gazed over the packaging and found no hints. Even I have to draw the line.

Incidentally, when last I was in Super Potato (about a month ago) they had a boxed Dataship 1200 going for 80,000 yen. Since I'm probably the only person here who knows what a Dataship 1200 is, I will explain it! It's a stand-alone version of the Tsuushin Adapter, an (also very rare) modem for the Famicom used for online banking, stock trading, and other things rich Japanese people with too much money might've wanted to do on their Famicoms in the heyday of the bubble economy. It uses special software cards (not normal Famicom cartridges) that I have only seen in blurry photos. Basically, the Dataship 1200 is, to my knowledge, the single rarest piece of Nintendo hardware ever. The one at Super Potato could well be the last boxed one in existence. I'll be happy to give it a permanent home if anyone will loan me 80,000 yen.
by Green Gibbon!
Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:47 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Dear Post Cereals:
Replies: 28
Views: 15743

Dear Post Cereals:


Upon sampling your latest Pebbles product, Caramel Apple Pebbles Boulders, it occured to me that you have lost your supply of sugar. I think I have information that can help you. There is tons of sugarcane in Brazil. The geographic coordinates of Brazil's capital city are 15°48′00″S and 47°54′00″W. I trust you can find your way to the sugarcane from there. If you've also run out of airplane fuel and can't make it that far, I understand there is also a great deal of sugarcane in Cuba. Cuba's easy to find. Start walking south from Florida and don't stop when you get to the ocean.

I look forward to tasting a rectified box of Caramel Apple Pebbles with the appropriate ratio of sucrose. Thank you.


This stuff is pretty good, though. I'd actually never heard of a "churro" before. Sounds like it was probably invented by Taco Bell because they needed to attach an extra $1.25 charge to each order and "apple pie" sounds too American. Either way, this cereal gets my wholehearted approval.


And then there's this. It's good, but if there's any difference between this and plain-Jane Cocoa Puffs, I can't tell what it is. Chocolate is pretty much chocolate. The cereal version of any other chocolate product - donuts, cake, cookies, whatever - will inevitably still taste like chocolate cereal because the distinguishing flavor in all of those things is chocolate. If you've ever wanted a bowl of flat, square-shaped Cocoa Puffs, though, now is your chance.

Also, I see on the Post website that there's a new Smurfs cereal. I was actually kind of holding on to the shred of a hope that they might revive Smurfberry Crunch to coincide with the new movie, but the blue & white Pebbles looks pretty good, too. Assuming they've remembered to add enough goddamn sugar. Has anyone tried it? I brought back 8 boxes of cereal from my recent trip to Hawaii, but I didn't see Smurfs...
by Neo
Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:42 am
Forum: News
Topic: Sonic Generations
Replies: 1175
Views: 1278711

Re: Sonic Generations

Rob-Bert wrote:Image
God forbid I have any semblance of standards!

I wouldn't shake two shits at it if it were a new level, but it really doesn't look like City Escape, especially the classic Sonic part. Granted, the original architecture does not lend itself to sidescrolling gameplay at all, since most of the level has you enclosed between high walls, but I think they could've come up with something that would work just as well without feeling so detached from the original design. Where in City Escape did you run across thin scaffolding and walkways which bend around in the air forming loops?

The thing I liked about City Escape is that it felt solid, grounded and realistic unlike the "highway in the sky" levels that would make up the majority of the game (Metal Harbor, Green Forest, about half of Pyramid Cave, Final Rush, Radical Highway, White Jungle, Final Chase). It was cool the first time around in Windy Valley part 3, but they got carried away with it pretty quick.
by Green Gibbon!
Sat Apr 23, 2011 2:13 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.
Replies: 61
Views: 31609

Re: Megaman Legends 3 Announced.

but I never expected you would choose food over video games.
Well, I at least need enough strength to push the buttons.

Is this beta? So this is not really a demo demo, then? More like a sample of a game that may or may not eventually be released and even if it is it it'll be pretty different from this. Cause that would be a horse of a different color. Am I interpreting this correctly?

By the way, I got this:


It's bright-ass blue and tastes like sugar water without enough sugar. On the bright side, my HP gauge has been replenished.
by Delphine
Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:57 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Massive tsunami hits Japan (JARED MATTE MEMORIAL THREAD,RIP)
Replies: 122
Views: 61127

Re: Massive tsunami hits Japan

FlashTHD wrote:If he lived through this i'm sure he'll not let us live unscathed for trying to isolate the location of his mountain fortress :p
you guys YOU GUYS we completely forgot about Passepartout

by Green Gibbon!
Fri Jan 21, 2011 6:26 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)
Replies: 55
Views: 38806

Re: New Game by Prope: Sky Knight Rodea (Wii/3DS)

If Naka can be accused here of a lack of creativity, it's nothing compared to the utter lack of creativity demonstrated by the robot-minded detractors who frequent this forum. I'm starting to wonder who's real and who's just a bot with a pre-programmed repetoire of cliche whines.

Tired of forming original or educated thoughts? Come to the GHZ Forum, where one word says it all:


Now as for me, I don't like the character design (at all), but it's good to see Naka's once again trying something other than a simple puzzle game or one-trick controller gimmick. At any rate, I'm going to wait to see a video before passing further judgment, and if it turns out I'm not interested in it, I'll more likely ignore it rather than go out of my way to write about how much I don't care about it!
by Green Gibbon!
Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:39 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Twenty Eleven
Replies: 13
Views: 5861

Re: Twenty Eleven


It only took 2 hours to excavate it. Granted, that includes time spent building a fort around it and throwing snowballs into the empty lot behind it.

Anyway, my year's starting off pretty good!
Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:39 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Incredibly mundane technical questions
Replies: 15
Views: 7027

Re: Incredibly mundane technical questions

Green Gibbon! wrote: And some tit pudding.

It was not actually that good.
Was that sitting out in a regular ol' bakery, like where ankle-biters can see it?

I can see it's in your kitchen, but it still begs the question.
by Green Gibbon!
Fri Oct 15, 2010 9:02 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: Incredibly mundane technical questions
Replies: 15
Views: 7027

Incredibly mundane technical questions

#1) How do I switch off Google's search suggestions? There used to be an option for it, but ever since Instant was introduced, the option seems to have disappeared (even when using "classic" mode). I much prefer it when it simply opens up a list of my own past searches. I don't really care what the rest of the world is searching for and indeed in some cases I've found I'd rather not have known.

#2) Is there a way to use a keyboard button to toggle between English input and Japanese input? The Japanese computers I use at work have a very convenient toggle button, but on my American laptop, the only way I know of to switch is to actually use the language bar which is a pain in the ass and disrupts my work flow.

I realize this is an incredibly dull thread, so to compensate for any time wasted clicking on it, here's some MSX porn.


And some Japanese chick with a machinegun.


And some tit pudding.


It was not actually that good.
by Green Gibbon!
Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:49 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: It followed me home
Replies: 39
Views: 14193

Re: It followed me home

Kogen wrote:Image
It's not out yet, it comes out in October.
by Green Gibbon!
Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:03 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: You passed time with Catherine
Replies: 55
Views: 23682

Re: You passed time with Catherine


You really can't make pizza erotic. It's a noble effort, but she's just like slobbering all over the cheese and that shit's just nasty. All I can think is that she's ruining an otherwise delicious looking slice of pizza, and as a man who has not had a proper American pizza in over two years, that's just criminal. It's like looking at a picture of a lynching or a torture.
by Green Gibbon!
Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:36 am
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: It followed me home
Replies: 39
Views: 14193

Re: It followed me home

So the title was changed to the slightly clunkier Sola to Robo for mysterious reasons, but other than that, it still looks fucking awesome.


Image Image
by Spazz
Tue May 11, 2010 7:31 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: High quality, tasteful waste
Replies: 15
Views: 6013

Re: High quality, tasteful waste

Green Gibbon! wrote: Image Image

by Green Gibbon!
Sun May 09, 2010 10:59 pm
Forum: Open Forum
Topic: High quality, tasteful waste
Replies: 15
Views: 6013

Re: High quality, tasteful waste

P.P.A. wrote:キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
Image Image